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Supporting the future of Syria and the region

This Spring, the European Union will organise and host in Brussels the eighth Brussels Conference on “Supporting the future of Syria and the region”.

After over thirteen years of conflict, the EU remains committed to the Syrian people. This year’s edition of the Conference will redouble efforts to listen to Syrian voices, in Syria, in the region and from the diaspora. The dire situation in Syria and in the region only confirms the need to find a sustainable, peaceful solution, in line with UNSCR 2254.

“A comprehensive political solution brokered through the UN, and enjoying the full support of all its members, remains the ultimate imperative: the Syrian people must get a chance to live in dignity and peace. That is what the EU is working for, standing with the Syrian people until that prospect – however distant it may sometimes appear – will be fulfilled.”

Josep Borrell, EU High Representative, Vice-President of the European Commission

This year again, the Conference will feature a Day of Dialogue, engaging with Syrian civil society, on 30 April in the premises of the European Parliament in Brussels; and a Ministerial Segment on 27 May in the premises of the EU Council; as well as a number of side events and a dedicated cultural programme.

With nearly 800 participants attending, the Brussels Conference has become over the years an invaluable opportunity to engage and deepen dialogue with Syrian civil society (from Syria, the neighbouring countries and the diaspora), main UN stakeholders and agencies, EU Member States, third countries representatives as well as international NGOs. The event reaffirms the international community’s support to the Syrian people and to the UN Special Envoy’s efforts for a negotiated political solution to the conflict, in line with UN Security Council Resolution 2254. The Ministerial Conference also aims at mobilising vital financial support to alleviate the crucial needs of Syrians and their host communities in neighbouring countries, particularly Jordan, Lebanon and Türkiye, as well as Egypt and Iraq.

At the Brussels VII Conference held last June 2023, the international community pledged close to €5.6 billion for 2023 and beyond, of which over €3.8 billion pledged by the EU and its Member States. The funding helps people in need inside Syria and in neighbouring countries hosting Syrian refugees. The EU and its Member States have been the largest donors supporting people in Syria and the region since the beginning of the crisis in 2011, mobilising over €30 billion overall.

The European Union will continue mobilising all the tools at its disposal to support a negotiated political solution in line with UN Security Council Resolution 2254 and to help create the conditions for a better future for all Syrians.

Ministerial Segment 27/05/2024



To start the streaming of the Ministerial segment, please click here. You can choose your preferred language of interpretation from Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Turkish by selecting the corresponding option.

14:45 – 15:15

Press Conference

15:15 – 16:15

Opening session

  • Opening Address by the Conference Chair: Mr. Josep Borrell Fontelles, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission


  • Opening Address Video: UN Secretary-General António Guterres TBC


  • Opening addresses by countries hosting the largest numbers of Syrian refugees in the region:
  • H.E. Mr. Ayman Safadi, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, Jordan
  • H.E. Mr. Fuad Hussein, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Iraq
  • H.E. Mr. Abdallah Bou Habib, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Lebanon
  • H.E. Dr. Badr Abdelatty, Ambassador, Egypt
  • H.E. Mr. Faruk Kaymakcı, Ambassador, Türkiye 
  • Day of Dialogue Restitution by the Civil Society Panels Rapporteurs:
  • Ms. Sawsan Abou Zainedin, Chief Executive Officer, Madaniya Civil Society Network
  • Dr. Hala Alghawi, Amal Healing and Advocacy Centre, Türkiye
  • Ms. Charmain Mohamed, North West Syria NGO Forum


  • Keynote speaker:  Mr. Geir Pedersen, UN Special Envoy for Syria

16:15 – 16:30

Family Photo


Plenary Session (Part I)

  • Opening speech by the Chair: Mr. Oliver Várhelyi, European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement
  • Keynote speakers:
  • Mr. Filippo Grandi, UNHCR High Commissioner
  • Ms. Shoko Noda, Assistant Secretary-General, Assistant Administrator and Director, Crisis Bureau, UNDP
  • Ms. Randa Hamo, Representative of Civil Society Support Room (CSSR)


  • Statements and announcements of pledges by participating delegations




Plenary Session (Part II)


  • Opening speech by the Chair: Mr. Janez Lenarčič, European Commissioner for Crisis Management


  • Keynote speaker:
  • Mr. Ramesh Rajasingham, Director of the Coordination Division, OCHA
  • Ms. Rima Maia, Representative of Syrian Women Advisory Board (WAB)


  • Statements and announcements of pledges by participating delegations




Concluding Remarks


Day of Dialogue









To start the streaming of the Day of Dialogue, please click on the title of the session you wish to follow. You can choose your preferred language of interpretation from English, French, Arabic, and Turkish by selecting the corresponding option. Once the session ends, kindly return to the agenda of the Day of Dialogue on this webpage and click on the title of the next session to continue streaming.

We invite you to ask questions via Slido by clicking on this link or by using the following reference on the Slido App: SyriaConf2024. After accessing the event on Slido, please start by selecting the roundtable discussion that you are following. In case you switch to a different session on the livestream, do not forget to also select the correct corresponding roundtable discussion on Slido if you wish to ask any questions.

Any technical issues during the livestream? Please write to [email protected].


07:30 – 09:00

Arrival and accreditation


Welcome coffee

09:00 – 09:15

Keynote address


  • Mr. Janez Lenarčič, European Commissioner for Crisis Management, Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO)
09:15   09:25

Opening session

  • Mr. Gert Jan Koopman, Director-General for Neighbourhood & Enlargement Negotiations, European Commission (DG NEAR)

09:25 – 10:00

Presentation of the outcomes of the civil society consultations


Moderator: Mr. Jaafar Abdul Karim


  • Ms. Arya Haji, Executive Director, Nextory Platform
  • Mr. Adel al-Khamees, Community representative from Emirati Jordanian camp
  • Mr. Mohammad Mansour, Deputy Director, ABAAD
  • Mr. Francisco Gaztelu Mezquiriz, Director Neighbourhood South and Türkiye, Directorate-General for Neighbourhood & Enlargement Negotiations, European Commission (DG NEAR)


Coffee break


Roundtables (Morning session)


Roundtable 1: Implementation of UNSCR 2254: State of play and way forward


Moderator: Mr. Alessio Cappellani, Head of Division for Middle East – Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan, European External Action Service (EEAS)

Rapporteur for Ministerial: Ms. Sawsan Abou Zainedin, Chief Executive Officer, Madaniya Civil Society Network

  • Ms. Najat Rochdi, Deputy UN Special Envoy for Syria
  • Dr. Bader Jamous, President of the Syrian Negotiation Committee (SNC)
  • Mr. Ethan Goldrich, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, US Department of State
  • Ms. Amera Malek, Member of the Civil Society Support Room (CSSR), General Director of MAUJ foundation
  • Mr. Stefan Schneck, Ambassador, Germany’s Special Envoy for Syria


Roundtable 2: Triggering Meaningful Change: Investing in the health workforce in Syria


Moderator: Dr. Ammar Sabouni, CEO, Syria Development Center

Rapporteur for Ministerial: Dr. Hala Alghawi, Physician, Advocate for Women’s Empowerment and Rights in Health in Crisis Zones, Amal Centre and other Syrian Civil Society Bodies

  • Ms. Rosa Crestani, Health Emergency Team Lead, World Health Organisation (WHO), Gaziantep
  • Ms. Valeria Gholizadeh Gajkar, Country Director, Relief International
  • Dr. Mansur Alatraṣ, Head of the Health Information System Unit
  • Dr. Aula Abbara, Consultant, Syria Public Health Network
  • Dr. Majd AlGhatrif, Associate Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, President of Syriana


Roundtable 3: Education in Emergency: Barriers, and opportunities for accessing education. Perspectives from the Youth


Moderator: Ms. Rasha Muhrez, Country Director Syria, Save the Children

Rapporteur for Ministerial: Ms. Charmain Mohamed, North West Syria NGO Forum

  • Ms. Jana Nasser Farhat, Syrian representative of the Youth Advocacy Group  
  • Mr. Mohammed Abdulljabar Mohammed, Syrian representative of the Youth Advocacy Group 
  • Mr. Riyad Al Najem, Executive Director, Hurras Network 
  • Mr. Marc Rubin, MENA Deputy Regional Director, UN International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) 
  • Ms. Nisrine Yassine, Country Director, War Child Lebanon  
  • Mr. Hamzah Barhameyeh, Advocacy and Communications Manager, World Vision Syria 

12:30 – 14:00

Lunch break


Roundtables (Afternoon session)


Roundtable 4: Enhancing sustainability of Basic Services and Livelihood Opportunities for Refugees and Hosting Communities in Türkiye, Jordan and Lebanon


Moderator: Mr. Fadi Halliso, CEO, Basmeh & Zeitooneh

Rapporteur for Ministerial: Dr. Hala Alghawi, Physician, Advocate for Women’s Empowerment and Rights in Health in Crisis Zones, Amal Centre and other Syrian Civil Society Bodies


  • Dr. Nadeen Hilal, Senior Advisor to the Ministry of Public Health, Lebanon
  • Ms. Bayan Saad, Student, EDU Syria
  • Ms. Hamda al-Marzouq, Community representative from Zaatari camp
  • Ms. Daniella Khalil, Programme Coordinator, Amel Association International
  • Mr. Ribal Azzin, Programme Development Coordinator, Olive Branch


Roundtable 5: Effective humanitarian assistance and protection as driver for supporting resilience and early recovery in the context of protracted crisis in Syria


Moderator: Ms. Haya Alfar, Protection Advisor, OXFAM

Rapporteur for Ministerial: Ms. Charmain Mohamed, North West Syria NGO Forum


  • Mr. Michael Talhami, MENA Strategic Programme Manager, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
  • Mr. Mamar Merzouk, Strategic Senior Advisor, UN World Food Programme (WFP)
  • Ms. Tanya Evans, Country Director, International Rescue Committee (IRC)
  • Dr. Reem Enderun Yonso, Technical Manager, Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS)
  • Mr. Riad Sargi, Executive Director, Caritas Syria

Remarks by Giovanni di Girolamo, Head of Unit, Middle East and North Africa, European Commission (DG ECHO)


Roundtable 6: Justice, Peace and Right to Truth:  Addressing the cases of missing persons and detainees as a prerequisite for future reconciliation


Moderator: Mr Gijs Gerlag, Special Envoy for Syria of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Rapporteur for Ministerial: Ms. Sawsan Abou Zainedin, Chief Executive Officer, Madaniya Civil Society Network


  • Ms. Catherine Marchi-Uhel, Head of the International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism on Syria (IIIM)
  • Ms. Kathryne Bomberger, Director-General of the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP)
  • Ms. Anne Massagee, Head of the Transition Team, Independent Institution on Missing Persons in Syria (IIMP)  
  • Ms. Joumana Seif, founding member of the Syrian Feminist Lobby and Legal Advisor European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights
  • Ms. Mirela Osmanović, Liaison for International Cooperation at Srebrenica Memorial Center

16:00 – 16:30 

Coffee break

16:30 – 17:30

Closing session


Debriefing by rapporteurs:

  • Dr. Hala Alghawi, Physician, Advocate for Women’s Empowerment and Rights in Health in Crisis Zones, Amal Centre and other Syrian Civil Society Bodies
  • Ms. Charmain Mohamed, North West Syria NGO Forum
  • Ms. Sawsan Abou Zainedin, Chief Executive Officer, Madaniya Civil Society Network

Closing remarks by Ms. Belén Martínez Carbonell, Acting Deputy Secretary General for Economic and Global issues, European External Action Service (EEAS)





Side events

Numerous side events will take place in the margins of the Brussels VIII Conference, initiated and organised by civil society organisations, participating countries, the United Nations and international organisations.


Disclaimer: The role of the Brussels Conference Team is limited to authorising organisations to hold events within the framework of the Conference and increase their visibility. The EU will not participate in any way in the organisation and financing of these events. Views, thoughts and opinions expressed during these events reflect solely those of the speakers and do not constitute endorsement by the European Union.


If you wish to organise an event, please send us a concept note at [email protected], containing the following information:

  1. Executive Summary - Overview of the overall objective of the proposed side event
  2. Date of the event, starting time, duration, venue
  3. Title of the event
  4. Description of the topic, issues to be addressed, agenda
  5. Speakers
  6. List of Invitees (i.e. name, organisation, country)
  7. Organiser (including contact person, and contact details)
  8. Co-organiser (including contact person and contact details)


Please note that in principle the events should take place between 22 April and 31 May 2024. 

The Conference Team will inform you of the acceptance of the event by email, after its evaluation.  Once events are accepted and added to the list of side events by the Conference Team, organisers will receive the Brussels VIII Conference logo for all communication purposes.

Visual material:

        Use of logo (for announcement, invitations, summary)

        Event website (to upload the link for the side event)


Side Events Agenda

Cultural Agenda

Tales of Art from Syria

Tales of Art from Syria is the cultural programme organised by the European Union in the framework of the eighth Brussels Conference on “Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region,” set to take place on April 30th and May 27th, 2024.

From May 6th to May 28th, 2024, Brussels will host a diverse array of Syrian visual artists, performers and musicians, offering them the opportunity to share their stories, and visions for the future.

The programme will feature four film screenings, two immersive visual arts experiences with a vernissage, and a closing concert. Please click here to view the full programme.

B8C Cultural Agenda



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