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EU Military Committee: Chairman Attended EU Live Military Exercise MILEX24 Distinguished Visitors Day

On December 4th, General Robert Brieger visited EU’s second Live Military Exercise (MILEX24) in Bergen, Germany.

MILEX24 was a significant step towards the declaration of the full operational capability of the EU Rapid Deployment Capacity (EU RDC). Remarkable progress has been made by developing military capabilities through joint efforts of Member States within the framework of the EU Strategic Compass. The aim of the EU RDC is to enable the deployment of a modular force of up to 5,000 troops to give military response to any occurring crisis outside the EU’s borders.

The combined multinational exercise was conducted under the command of the EU Military Planning and Conduct Capability, Eurocorps Headquarters and the German Army Command. MILEX24 was run parallel with the German-led EUROPEAN CHALLENGE 2024 Exercise.

With participation of 15 EU Member States and more than 1,700 soldiers, MILEX 24 aimed to test the interoperability in planning and conducting joint operations throughout different levels. At the same time the exercise is provided training environment for the EU Battlegroup Force Package 25 to adapt and deploy in a predefined scenario.

The Chairman   delivered a speech during the opening ceremony at the Distinguished Visitors Day. In his welcome address, he highlighted and praised the visible breakthroughs and emphasized the results of the Member States’ dedicated contribution in making EU an even stronger and more credible security provider for its citizens.