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The European Union (EU) and the Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe maintain a longstanding partnership, currently governed by the Samoa Agreement, which serves as the general framework for the EU relations with African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries.


The EU-São Tomé and Príncipe relationship has consistently been dynamic; it covers priority sectors such as democratic and economic governance, reforms and modernization of the judicial system and citizen participation to safeguard human rights, promote gender equality, the green transition, climate action and human development. 

In 2022, the EU held an observatory electoral mission to São Tomé and Príncipe for the legislative, local, and regional elections of September 25th. A monitoring mission also occurred in 2024 contributing to a better organization of the next expected elections in 2026.

On May 14th, 2024, the European Union and its Member States, along with the Government of São Tomé and Príncipe, organized a Partnership Dialogue session featuring fruitful discussions on a wide range of topics related to: bilateral relations and cooperation, the political situation, governance and human rights, the economic situation, energy policies, climate, biodiversity, sustainable forest management, regional integration, the dynamics of Central Africa, maritime security, and cooperation in multilateral forums.

In-depth discussions between the two parties helped improve mutual understanding and open the prospect of strengthening relations in areas of common interest. Participants agreed to ensure ongoing dialogue on all the topics addressed. Participants agreed also to maintain a permanent dialogue on those topics.

Through continuous dialogue with the authorities, the EU promotes actions that are viable and sustainable in the long term and aligned with a shared strategic vision with São Tomé and Príncipe.

The EU-São Tomé and Príncipe partnership facilitates exchanges on shared values, including environmental protection. In this regard, the recent EU Regulation on Deforestation (adopted in April 2023) aims to reduce the EU impact - particularly through imports into the European market - on global deforestation and forest degradation.


Attracting the necessary investments for the economic and social development of São Tomé and Príncipe is a key focus of the cooperation between the European Union and the country. The Global Gateway strategy mobilizes EU institutions, EU Member States, European financial institutions, and the private sector to stimulate investments and support concrete transformation projects in priority areas (ecological transition, digital transition, sustainable growth and decent job creation, strengthening health systems, and improving education and training).

In 2021, the European Union launched a new programmatic phase of its cooperation with São Tomé and Príncipe, covering the period from 2021 to 2027. For the first phase of this period (2021-2024), the EU mobilized a budget of 13 million euros under its Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP). The EU MIP in São Tomé and Príncipe focuses on three priority areas:

  1. Governance and Democracy, which aims to support the reform and modernization of the judiciary system, improve public financial management, and support the development of the local private sector.
  2. Green Transition, which aims to promote an integrated approach to environmental protection and the development of sustainable value chains, the development of (eco)tourism, and renewable energy production.
  3. Human Development, which aims to improve the sustainable access of the population to drinking water and sanitation, while protecting the environment.

These three priorities are designed to complement each other in order to create a holistic vision that helps the government to diversify the economy and create jobs, while maintaining the goal of a sustainable, resilient, and low greenhouse gas-emitting economy.

To achieve the objective of improving sustainable access to drinking water and sanitation, the EU is financing budgetary support to the Government of São Tomé and Príncipe, thus supporting crucial sectoral reforms in this field.

To further increase its means of action beyond this national MIP envelope, the EU Delegation has managed to mobilize approximately 5.3 million euros through regional programs and projects specifically targeting São Tomé and Príncipe. These include the program dedicated to Lusophone countries, aimed at contributing to accountability and transparency in public institutions, as well as supporting the justice and culture sectors, and the Sustainable Ocean and Blue Economy in Central Africa (ODEBAC) program, aimed at contributing to marine conservation and the blue economy.


Furthermore, on December 19th, 2019, the EU and São Tomé and Príncipe signed a new protocol to the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement (SFPA), which allows EU vessels to access to São Tomé and Príncipe’s waters for a period of five years, as part of the development and transformation of the fishing sector in the country. This protocol helps strengthening fisheries governance, marine environmental protection, and supports the creation of jobs and activities in the fishing sector. The EU contribution to this new SFPA protocol is 840,000 euros per year. In addition to this amount, there are contributions from shipowners, license payments, and any excess catch fees (if applicable). Negotiations on the new protocol are already underway between the EU and São Tomé and Príncipe.


Global Gateway represents the EU positive cooperation offer to partner countries to support their own strategic autonomy by aligning common interests, increasing high-quality investments, and promoting sustainable financing. The Global Gateway strategy provides a qualitative superior alternative to other public offers, adhering to the European model of sustainable and transparent investment.

Global Gateway focuses on fields addressing current geopolitical challenges. It centers on five key sectors: digital, climate and energy, transport, health, education and research and it is implemented through the Team Europe approach. Thanks to this approach, Global Gateway reunites the EU, its Member States, and their financial and development institutions to mobilize the private sector to leverage investments for a transformative impact.

In sub-Saharan Africa, Global Gateway operates through regional and national initiatives. The first outcome is the Africa-Europe investment package, aiming to boost sustainable public and private investments, create jobs for Africa's growing youth population, and support the continent's socio-economic, green, and digital transformation.

As part of this approach, a project has already been funded and is ongoing. This project aims to improve the drinking water supply network on the island of São Tomé, and is implemented in partnership with the European Investment Bank (EIB). The objectives of this project are to significantly improve the level of service for current users of the water distribution network, to increase access to drinking water and sanitation, and to strengthen the island against the effects of climate change, such as rainfall variability.


In addition to the three pillars of the EU-São Tomé and Príncipe MIP, measures are in place to support local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). This includes strengthening Sao Tomean CSOs in technical, financial, and advocacy aspects, structuring networks or federations of CSOs, creating dialogue spaces between civil society and authorities, and sectoral governance.

Civil society and respect for human rights are integral to EU-São Tomé and Príncipe relations across all cooperation areas. The EU provides financial support to enhance CSOs' capacities, ensuring their meaningful participation in the development, implementation, and monitoring of national policies.

Simultaneously, supporting civil society through thematic programs enables the EU to raise awareness and promote human rights issues within society, aligning with the European Commission's 2012 Communication, “The roots of democracy and sustainable development: Europe's engagement with Civil Society in external relations”. This policy emphasizes a strengthened and strategic engagement with civil society, particularly local CSOs in partner countries. It also advocates for a strategic approach at the national level, encouraging the EU and partner countries to develop EU roadmaps for civil society engagement. These roadmaps aim to enhance the impact and visibility of the Union's actions while ensuring coherence and synergy across all sectors of EU external relations. They are also intended to facilitate coordination and the exchange of best practices with Member States and other international actors, simplifying and harmonizing financial requirements.

The update of the "EU Roadmap for Civil Society Engagement in São Tomé and Príncipe" for the period 2023-2027 is currently being finalized.