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Military Mission Force Commanders convene in Brussels


Training is about implementing new ways of working but without adapting to the way of thinking of the audience, it will not be effective. This observation and others were debated during the Military Mission Force Commanders Conference.


From 19 to 21 February the annual Military Mission Force Commanders Conference took place in Brussels.These conference serves as a platform for EU Military Mission Force Commanders to discuss strategies, share experiences and strengthen cooperation across the world. The conference was organised by MPCC, the static military strategic military command structure in Brussels. Chaired by Director MPCC, Lieutenant General van der Laan, the program focused on how to improve delivering on the respective mandates. With interventions from high-level speakers as Chair of the PSC, Ms Delphine Pronk, Chair of the EUMC, General Robert Brieger and DSG-DEF, mr Charles Fries several deep-dives were made. The intervention of the CivOpsCmdr, mr Stefano Tomat, underlined the constant effort for an integrated approach and financial matters were discussed thoroughly with EPF administrator, mr Uwe Harms.

The conference showed the added value of the military military contribution to EU goals and to the goals of our partners. It also was a good opportunity to share thoughts and strengthen relations in order to face the future together.