Mexico: XII High-Level Dialogue EU-Mexico on Human Rights
The European Union and Mexico held the XII High-Level Dialogue on Human Rights in Brussels on 13 December.
This was the first high-level meeting between the EU and Mexico dedicated to human rights since the start of the new political cycles in the EU and Mexico, after the June elections held in Mexico and the change of leadership in the EU as from 1 December 2024. The Dialogue was co-chaired by Mr Olof Skoog, EU Special Representative for Human Rights, and by Mr Enrique Ochoa, Vice-Minister for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico.
The Dialogue allowed both partners to reaffirm their commitment to upholding human rights and working together to promote and strengthen human rights and democracy in the EU and Mexico, and globally through bilateral and multilateral cooperation.
Building on previous dialogues, the EU and Mexicoreviewed recent developments on human rights worldwide and inside the EU and Mexico and exchanged information on their latest legislative initiatives and policies in the area of human rights. They discussed a wide range of human rights issues such asgender equality and the fight against gender-based and domestic violence; the eradication of poverty and economic, social and cultural rights; migration, human mobility, xenophobia and hate speech; measures taken to protect human rights defenders and journalists;enforced disappearances and torture prevention; as well as the protection of human rights in a digital world. They rejected attacks against, and expressed support for, those who fight for upholding human rights and democracy and committed to protect them. The two sides agreed to identify areas for concrete cooperation to ensure proper follow-up on topics discussed at the dialogue.
The EU and Mexico agreed on enhancing theirengagement and cooperation at bilateral and multilateral level to address human rights matters. The EU welcomed Mexico’s upcoming membership in the Human Rights Council. Both partners committed to reinforce their partnership in championingmultilateralism and pursuing an ambitious agenda on the universal protection and promotion of human rights.
The Dialogue followed the 10th EU-Mexico Civil Society Seminar, held on 12th December. This event brought together EU and Mexican civil society organisations, who discussed the situation of human rights in the EU and Mexico and agreed on concrete recommendations for EU and Mexican authorities. These recommendations were presented at the start of the Dialogue. The seminar counted with the presence of representatives of EU institutions and Mexican authorities. EU and Mexican authorities commended the work of civil society and human rights defenders in both regions, stressed the importance of preserving a safe and enabling environment for their work, and both recognised the contribution human rights defenders make to the strengthening of democratic societies.
The next EU-Mexico High-Level Dialogue on Human Rights will take place in Mexico City in 2025.