Who we are
The EU Delegation to the United Nations Office in Geneva will continue to support the UN as an indispensable forum for multilateral solutions to global challenges, and will continue to demonstrate global leadership, with a view to promoting a safer and better world for all. We focus on key priorities such as human rights and gender equality, promoting peace and security, building a fair globalisation, accelerating the global transition towards sustainable and climate-neutral future, and leading the transition to a new digital world. Preserving the humanitarian space and ensuring respect for international humanitarian law and humanitarian principles will remain equally important for the EU.
Read more about Ambassador Lotte Knudsen, Head of the EU Delegation
Read more about Ambassador Michele Cervone d'Urso, Deputy Head of the EU Delegation:
What we do
The EU Delegation to the United Nations Office and other international organisations in Geneve - EU's renewed multilateralism fit for the 21st century
The Delegation is part of the network of 143 EU Delegations world-wide, carrying out the EU's foreign policy and providing support to Mr Josep Borrell, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.
Since January 2011, the EU has two fold representation in Geneva: The Permanent Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations Office and to other international organisations in Geneva and the Permanent Mission of the European Union to the World Trade Organisation. In addition, the bilateral relations with Switzerland are covered by the EU Delegation in Berne.
The EU Delegation to the UN in Geneva pursues the following main tasks:
- To promote EU actions, policies and interests in all UN bodies and other International Organisations.
- To ensure the representation of the European Union and its active participation in the UN and its related bodies or specialised agencies established in Geneva - in particular the Human Rights Council, OHCHR, OCHA, UNHCR, UNCTAD, WHO, ILO, WIPO, UNECE, IOM and, as far as possible, ITU, WMO -, as well as in disarmament and non-proliferation related matters and with the International Committee of the Red Cross.
- To foster EU co-ordination and common EU positions in these fora and promote co-operation with Member States in the UN framework.
- To enhance visibility and understanding of the European Union role and policies in the many areas related to the UN bodies and other International Organisations in Geneva.
Our team
Team presentation of the EU Delegation
EU Geneva