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“VaMoz Digital!”– Digital Competences, Entrepreneurship and Services as Opportunities for Youth Growth in Mozambique

VaMoz Digital! Empowering Mozambican Youth for a Digital Future

VaMoz Digital!” has two components; on the one hand it strengthens the enabling environment for digital transformation across all sectors, including policy and regulatory frameworks, and institutional capacity-building of public stakeholders. On the other,   it explores the potential for a digital economy in Mozambique and identifies opportunities for youth employment, innovation and entrepreneurship.

VaMoz Digital!” is financed by the European Union, EUR 10 million. The two components of the programme are implemented by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in coordination with Ministry of Transports and Communications (MTC) and by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) in coordination with Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (MCTES). The main beneficiaries are public decision-makers and Mozambican Youth, with a focus on girls and young people with disability.

Center Province of Mozambique
North Province of Mozambique
EUR 13,000,000.00
Inclusive growth, private sector engagement
Contact Details

Christine Sund from ITU

[email protected]

Stefano Marmorato from AICS

[email protected]

International Telecommunications Union (ITU)Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS)
International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS)
EUR 10,000,000.00
NDICI AFRICA/2023/442-998