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Mauritius : Human Rights Forum 2024

In celebration of Human Rights Day on December 10, the EU Mauritius Youth Sounding Board supported by the EU Delegation to Mauritius, organised panel discussions on 4 December, addressing gender-based violence, children’s rights, and the rights of persons with disabilities.

Mr. Marios Vitos, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. commended the youth-led initiative and emphasised that the outcomes of these discussions will be compiled and shared with relevant Ministries through reflection papers.

Guest speaker Shirin Aumeeruddy-Cziffra, the new Speaker of the National Assembly, committed to reviving the Parliamentary Gender Caucus and re-establishing the National Youth Parliament during her term.

Each panel discussion was moderated by a Youth Sounding Board member and brought together a diverse range of stakeholders, including representatives from Development Partners, NGOs, Ministries, academia and civil society. The first panel focused on addressing gender-based violence across all genders, the second explored legislative reforms to enhance children’s rights, and the third examined strategies for advancing disability rights.