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Factsheet EU accession process


A credible enlargement policy is a geostrategic investment in peace, stability, security and prosperity in Europe. It is
based on fair and rigorous conditionality and the principle of own merits. It requires candidate countries to implement
complex reforms in many areas such as the rule of law and the economy and to align their legislation with the EU
acquis. At the same time, candidate countries are expected to develop their administrative structures. Reconciliation,
good neighbourly relations and regional cooperation are of utmost importance.

Every year, the Commission provides an Enlargement Communication, which outlines its recommendations regarding
the Enlargement process, and dedicated reports, which provide a detailed assessment of the state of play and the
progress made by the candidates and potential candidates on their respective paths towards the European Union. This
assessment focuses on the implementation of fundamental reforms, and also contains clear guidance on the reform
priorities ahead. The Communication and the reports together constitute the “Enlargement Package”