Trade and Investment Relations / EU-Japan Policy Dialogues
The EU and Japan are both major international trading powers, and our trading relationship matters to both of us.
Japan is the EU’s 7th largest overall trading partner whilst the EU is Japan's 3rd largest overall trading partner (after China and the US). The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) entered into force on 1 February 2019, potentially bringing significant benefits to both parties.
Regarding the recently concluded EPA, an overview of the agreement can be found on Directorate-General for Trade web page, including chapter-by-chapter information.
Bilateral Trade
Manufactured goods dominate bilateral trade (EU27, 2023)
Machinery and transport equipment represent 34% of the total EU exports to Japan, chemicals about 24.5% and all other manufactured products 15.8%, while primary products (such as agriculture, raw materials and energy) represent 14%. Machinery and transport equipment alone account for 62.5% of the total EU imports from Japan, while chemicals account for 17% and primary products for 3%.
Trade in Services - The EU runs a surplus in its trade in services with Japan (EU27, 2023)
As for services, exports to Japan increased from €30.5bn in 2021 to €37.2bn in 2022 while stabilizing at €36.2bn in 2023. Services imports to the EU from Japan increased from €14.8bn in 2021 to €17bn in 2022 and €18bn in 2023. The EU's surplus of more €18bn in its service trade with Japan was mainly due to trade in telecommunications/ computer/information services, IPR-related financial flows, other business services and financial services.
See here for more information.
Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)
What is it, and why does it matter?
This EPA is one of the most important bilateral trade agreements concluded by the EU. To Japan, our 8th biggest trade partner, we export around 10 million euros of goods and services per hour. And import almost as much. Meanwhile, nearly 5,000 Japanese affiliates investing in the EU employ over half a million people. For the EU and its Member States, the Economic Partnership Agreement removes the vast majority of duties paid by EU companies, which sum up to €1 billion annually.
1 February 2023 marked the fifth anniversary of the entry into force of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). The data demonstrates that the EPA has made our trade relations more resilient: during the first years of its implementation bilateral trade in goods increased significantly, though the Covid-19 pandemic caused a drop in bilateral trade of 13% (between 2019 and 2020).
From the beginning of 2021 trade flows recovered to pre-pandemic levels (€124 billion), further increasing by 13.4% in 2022 (to €140.6 billion)and stabilizing to €134.4 billion in 2023.
Increasing Preference Utilisation Rate (PUR) for the EU-Japan EPA
Preference Utilisation Rates (PURs) measure the extent to which tariff preferences provided by a particular trade agreement are being used by imports and exports of either side.
As regards exports of EU goods to Japan, PUR has increased from 53% in 2019 to 63% in 2020, 70% in 2021 and 72,37% in 2023 (after a slight decrease to 68 % in 2022).
PUR for agricultural and related goods remained high, reaching 92.5%, even though it also showed a small decrease compared to 93.6% in 2021 (85.2% in 2019). As to PUR for industrial goods, it reached 58.3% in 2022, up from 45.6% in 2021.
Regarding EU imports from Japan, PUR has steadily increased from 38% in 2019, via 60% in 2020 and 65% in 2021, up to 67% in 2022 and 67% in 2023.
The main elements of the Economic Partnership Agreement
The Economic Partnership Agreement opens up the Japanese market of 127 million consumers to key EU agricultural exports and increases EU export opportunities in a range of other sectors.
With regards to agricultural exports from the EU, the agreement in particular:
- scrapped duties on EU wine immediately (1 February 2019)
- progressively eliminates duties on many hard cheeses such as Gouda and Cheddar (which before the entry into force of the EPA were set at 29.8%), while fresh cheeses such as Mozzarella benefit from a duty-free quota.
- progressively eliminates duties for processed agricultural products such as pasta, chocolates, cocoa powder, candies, confectionery, biscuits, starch derivatives, prepared tomatoes and tomato sauce.
- allows the EU to increase its beef exports to Japan substantially, while on pork there will be duty-free trade in processed meat and almost duty-free trade for fresh meat.
- ensures the protection in Japan of more than 200 high-quality European agricultural products, so called Geographical Indications (GIs), and also ensures the protection of a selection of Japanese GIs in the EU.
The agreement also opens up services markets, in particular financial services, e-commerce, telecommunications and transport. It also…
- guarantees EU companies access to the large procurement markets of Japan in 48 large cities, and removes obstacles to procurement in the economically important railway sector at national level;
- Addresses specific sensitivities in the EU, for instance in the automotive sector, with transition periods before markets are opened.
The deal also includes a comprehensive chapter on trade and sustainable development; sets the highest standards of labour, food safety and environmental protection; strengthens EU and Japan's actions on sustainable development and climate change and fully safeguards public services.
Industrial Goods
There is a strong and vibrant trade between the European Union (EU) and Japan in a number of industrial goods. In fact more than 75% of all Japanese goods exported to the EU and close to 60% of all European goods exported to Japan are from the following three product groups:
- machinery and appliances: machinery and mechanical appliances, electrical equipment;
- transport equipment: motor and railway vehicles, aircraft and vessels; and
- products of the chemical or allied industries: chemicals and pharmaceutical products.
Bilateral trade in industrial goods is affected by various aspects of trade policy. In addition to import tariffs, so-called non-tariff measures are the most important factors which impede greater trade flows between the EU and Japan. Divergent standards and technical requirements – as well as other regulatory and administrative issues, both at the border and beyond – also limit current trade. They significantly increase the cost of compliance, and therefore of doing business. One of the principal aims of the concluded EPA has been to mutually eliminate these non-tariff barriers to trade.
The European Commission set out its key priorities on industrial policy in the EU in its Communication “For a European Industrial Renaissance”. It also put forward new measures to speed up attainment of the following objectives:
- mainstreaming industrial competitiveness in other policy areas to sustain the competitiveness of the EU economy;
- maximising the potential of the internal market;
- implementing the instruments of regional development in support of innovation, skills, and entrepreneurship;
- promoting access to critical inputs in order to encourage investment;
- facilitating the integration of EU firms in global value chains.
Public Procurement
The EU and Japan are both signatories to the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement and have rules aimed at ensuring public money is spent in a transparent, efficient and non-discriminatory way. Nevertheless, European companies currently face obstacles in winning public contracts in Japan.
Both the EU and Japan are committed to achieving increased liberalisation and expansion of world trade; the EPA negotiations have paved the way to removing remaining obstacles and to ensuring that EU and Japanese firms can bid for public tenders on equal terms.
Further market opening in public procurement would be good for both the EU and Japan. For public authorities with tight budgets, it can bring:
- better value for money
- more choice
- greater economic efficiency
- good governance.
For companies it could:
- increase demand for their products or services
- create opportunities for growth
- safeguard existing jobs
- create new jobs.
What are public procurement and concessions?
Public procurement refers to the process by which public authorities such as government departments or local authorities purchase work, goods or services from companies which they have selected for this purpose. Examples include building a state school, purchasing furniture for a public prosecutor's office or contracting cleaning services for a railway station.
A concession is a partnership between the public sector and a (usually) private company that has shown its added value in a specific area, for example developing infrastructure, and may take the form of a Public Private Partnership (PPP). While in a public contract a company is paid a fixed amount for completing the required work or providing a service, in a concession a company is remunerated mostly through being permitted to run and exploit the work or service and is exposed to a potential loss on its investment. Examples include road and rail transport, port and airport services, motorway maintenance and management, waste management, energy and heating services.
For further information on how public procurement is covered under the EU-Japan EPA, refer to the following documents: DG TRADE, European Commission:;
EU- Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation:
Public procurement-related policy developments in the EU
Key EU legislation on public procurement includes:
- a directive on public procurement (Directive 2014/24/EU)
- a directive on procurement by entities operating in the utilities sectors, eg water, energy, transport and postal services (Directive 2014/25/EU); and
- a directive on the award of concession contracts (Directive 2014/23/EU).
The 'utilities sectors' are covered by separate and more flexible rules, which apply not only to traditional public purchasers (the state, municipalities, regions, etc.), but also to public or private companies. Unlike the 'public procurement' Directive, the 'utilities sectors' Directive also applies to contracts awarded by public undertakings (on which public purchasers have a dominant influence), and to those awarded by private entities which have obtained the exclusive or special right to operate in one of the sectors concerned.
In addition to regulating public procurement within the EU market, the EU advocates for an ambitious opening of international public procurement markets outside the EU, and has committed itself to granting market access to its public procurement market for certain foreign goods, services and companies. The EU negotiates both bilateral/regional and plurilateral international agreements.
For further information on Public Procurement, refer to DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs and Tenders Electronic Daily (TED).
Promoting investment flows between the European and Japanese economies is increasingly at the forefront of the EU-Japan relationship and discussed in the EPA negotiations. More investment is of mutual interest. The EU benefits from an open Japanese economy with which European companies can trade smoothly and where they can easily establish branches or subsidiaries to develop their business activities. For Japan, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) plays a crucial role in boosting its economy.
Investment protection provisions in the EPA encourage investment by guaranteeing that governments treat investment between the EU and Japan in line with some basic principles, which prohibit:
- discrimination
- expropriation of foreign investments without compensation
- denial of justice to foreign investors in domestic courts
- abusive or arbitrary treatment of EU and Japanese investors in each other's territory.
What is covered?
Free movement of capital is at the heart of the European Single Market and is one of its 'four freedoms'. It enables integrated, open, competitive and efficient European financial markets and services - which bring many advantages to us all. For citizens it means the ability to do many operations abroad, such as opening bank accounts, buying shares in non-domestic companies, investing where the best return is, and purchasing real estate. For companies it principally means being able to invest in and own other European companies and take an active part in their management.
Foreign direct investment is a direct investment into production or business in a country by a company in another country. The EU has long been in the vanguard, promoting investment by European companies and investors into other Member States and third countries, and investment into the EU by third countries. This is in everyone's mutual interest and is all the more important now as the world emerges from the financial crisis and the economic downturn.
The EU is the world’s main provider and the top global destination of foreign investment. At the end of 2019, foreign direct investment stocks held in the rest of the world by investors resident in the EU amounted to €8,990 billion, including €108.2 billion in Japan. Meanwhile, foreign direct investment stocks held by third country investors in the EU amounted to €7,138 billion, including €217 billion from Japan.
Investment-related policies
As investment is part of the EU’s common commercial policy the European Commission may legislate on investment.
EU investment policy aims to:
- secure a level playing field so that EU investors abroad are not discriminated or mistreated
- make it easier to invest by creating a predictable and transparent business environment
- encourage investment that supports sustainable development, respect for human rights and high labour and environmental standards - this includes promoting corporate social responsibility and responsible business practices
- attract international investment into the EU, while protecting the EU’s essential interests
- preserve the right of home and host countries to regulate their economies in the public interest
As well as ensuring that its markets are as open as possible to stable, secure and beneficial foreign investment, the EU also looks to promote these principles at a global level through international fora and multilateral agreements; bilateral investment dialogues and trade agreements; and through relations with third country investors, and, in particular, Sovereign Wealth Funds.
Useful links
- Investment-related policies of the European Commission: DG Trade.
- Destination Europe: The EU Single Market: An attractive destination for Japanese FDI (PDF)
- EU-Japan agreement: Committees and Dialogues
The EU is the world’s largest trader of services. Services are the backbone of the modern economy, contributing more to economic growth and job creation worldwide than manufacturing and mining activities or agriculture. Trade in services is vital for both the EU’s and Japanese economies.
The EU and Japan already export many services to each other, but EU firms still face hurdles in selling their services on the Japanese market. The EU’s trade strategy seeks to complement multilateral liberalisation efforts with deeper commitments in preferential trade agreements.
Opening up trade in services is not about removing barriers at the border, as there are no tariffs on services. It is mainly about addressing discriminatory and quantitative restrictions that can hinder EU companies from supplying services outside the EU.
Correspondingly, the EU-Japan EPA includes comprehensive and ambitious provisions on services. Furthermore, services represent key area of discussion in plurilateral and multilateral negotiations at the WTO (General Agreement on Trade in Services, plurilateral negotiations on Domestic Regulation and E-commerce).
What is covered?
Trade in services covers a huge variety of sectors, such as business/ professional, financial, telecommunications, transport, postal and courier, retail and distribution, construction, environmental, health, education, tourism, entertainment and recreational services.
As the nature of trade evolves goods and services are increasingly linked together. Trade is becoming more innovation-driven, supported by intellectual property (IP) protection, with an increasing role of services trade compared to goods.
Services not only contribute directly to the value chain (financial services, telecommunication, IT, transport and logistics) but they contribute by being incorporated in manufacturing products. The servicification of the economy and the rise of digital technologies have created well-paid and high quality jobs and have fuelled economic growth.
The EU’s trade policy communication, An Open, Sustainable and Assertive Trade Policy, adopted in February 2021, identifies six areas that are critical to achieving EU trade policy – and supporting the digital transition and trade in services is among them.
Services-related policy developments in the EU
In 2006, the EU adopted the Services Directive (Directive 2006/123/EC) to ensure that both consumers and businesses reap the full benefits of the Internal Market by being able to easily offer and buy services. The Directive facilitates the establishment of a business in a Member State, and it also aims at improving the regulatory environment for service providers who want to supply their services across borders to other Member States, without setting up an establishment there. The Services Directive obliges Member States to cut red-tape, increase transparency for undertakings and service recipients, and eliminate unjustified or disproportionate requirements. It applies to all activities and sectors that are not expressly excluded from its scope of application (e.g. financial services or gambling).
The European Commission proposed recently two legislative initiatives to upgrade rules governing digital services in the EU: the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA). They form a single set of new rules applicable across the whole EU to create a safer and more open digital space. The DSA and DMA have two main goals:
- to create a safer digital space in which the fundamental rights of all users of digital services are protected;
- to establish a level playing field to foster innovation, growth, and competitiveness, both in the European Single Market and globally.
Useful links
Services-related policies of the European Commission: DG Trade; DG Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union; DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs; DG Mobility and Transport; DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology.
Environment, Climate Change and Energy
Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to Europe and the world. Over the past decades the European Union has put in place a broad range of environmental legislation and initiatives to overcome these challenges. More recently, in December 2019 the EU adopted the European Green Deal – an ambitious vision of fair, climate-neutral, resource-efficient and competitive economy. The circular economy is an integral part of that vision and is key for sustainable production and consumption. That is why in March 2020 the EU adopted its New Circular Economy Action Plan which includes initiatives for the entire products life-cycle, from the design and manufacturing to the consumption, repair, reuse and recycling. The emphasis is on prevention, in particular waste prevention and the objective is to reduce the pressure on natural resources and to create sustainable growth and jobs through transition to a low carbon circular economy. The main pillar of this Plan is the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR), which entered into force on 18 July 2024.
The EU is aware that the climate and environmental challenges are global and they have to be addressed jointly with other countries for a successful outcome. Therefore, the EU has initiated and participated in a number of global initiatives such as the Global Alliance on Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency (GACERE), the Global Agreement on Plastics, as well as a in a number of international agreements on biodiversity (CBD) and trade in endangered species (CITES).
European Green Deal
The European Green Deal proposed by European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen is a response to these challenges. It is a new growth strategy that aims to transform the EU into a fair and prosperous society, with a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy where there are no net emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050, where economic growth is decoupled from resource use, where natural capital is protected and enhanced and where the health and well-being of citizens is shielded from environment-related risks and impacts. The Green Deal requires a transition across all sectors of society, for which significant upfront investments will put Europe on a new path of sustainable and inclusive growth. But just as climate change and biodiversity loss are global issues, the ambitions of the Green Deal are not limited by national borders. The EU calls on all countries to join this transformation, and will continue building alliances with like-minded partners such as Japan. The EU and Japan have concluded a Green Alliance in May 2021 in the EU – Japan Summit. It is the first such alliance for the EU and it aims to accelerate the transition of both economies towards becoming climate-neutral, circular and resource-efficient in the coming decades. The two parties agreed to strengthen cooperation on protecting the environment, conserving biodiversity and fighting climate change.
Climate Change
The EU has set itself a legally binding target to achieve climate neutrality – an economy with net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by to 2050. As part of the EU Green Deal, the EU has set itself an ambitious mid-term target on reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (by 55% from 1990 levels by 2030) and new more ambitious targets on energy transition (increasing the share of renewable energy to at least 42.5% andreducing final energy consumption by11.7% by 2030) have also been agreed. These targets are defined to put the EU on the way to achieve the transformation towards a low-carbon economy as detailed in the 2050 long-term strategy. The EU tracks its progress on cutting emissions through regular monitoring and reporting.
Cooperation with partner countries is an important part of the EU's climate policy. The EU cooperates with Japan though a High Level Dialogue on Climate Change to share experiences of climate policies and good practices. The EU and Japan also cooperate in international fora such as the UN Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC) to promote global cooperation to mitigate climate change.
The EPA also includes a paragraph on cooperation between the EU and Japan on implementation of the Paris Agreement.
The main aims of the EU’s energy policy are to diversify Europe’s sources of energy, ensuring energy security through solidarity and cooperation between EU countries; to ensure the functioning of a fully integrated internal energy market, enabling the free flow of energy through the EU through adequate infrastructure and without technical or regulatory barriers; to improve energy efficiency and reduce dependence on energy imports; cut emissions, and drive jobs and growth; to decarbonise the economy and move towards a low-carbon economy in line with the Paris Agreement; And to promote research in low-carbon and clean energy technologies, and prioritise research and innovation to drive the energy transition and improve competitiveness.
The EU and Japan cooperate on a number of energy issues including decarbonisation of their energy systems, promotion of renewable energy, hydrogen, electricity market reform, Liquefied Natural Gas markets etc. An annual energy dialogue is held to exchange views on policy developments in the EU and in Japan, to identify priorities for cooperation and to discuss positions in international fora.
4th Global Covenant of Mayors (GCoM) Japan Steering Committee held hybrid at the EU Delegation (2 February 2023)

On 2 February 2023, the 4th Global Covenant of Mayors (GCoM) Japan Steering Committee was held hybrid at the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Japan. Mayors of Niseko, Tokorozawa, Yosano, and Goto attended in person while the Mayor of Kyoto was online. From Kaga and Toyohashi, representatives other than mayors were present. Opening remarks were given by Mr. Haitze Siemers, Minister of the EU Delegation to Japan, Mr. Takao Shiraishi, Ministry of Environment’s Director-General for Regional Decarbonization Policy, and Daisaku Kadokawa, Mayor of Kyoto, Chairperson of the Steering Committee.
At the Steering Committee, under the chairmanship of Kenya Katayama, Mayor of Niseko, a report was given about the participation at the COP27 side event by Masato Fujimoto, Mayor of Tokorozawa. New GCoM Global initiatives were also introduced. In addition, members exchanged views on the GCoM Japan’s approach after 2024.
Agriculture and Food Safety
The EU and Japan share a vision of agriculture aiming not only at feeding people but also at preserving the landscape, the environment and traditions. As such, the EU is actively engaging in meaningful exchanges with Japan bilaterally, in high-level meetings in Tokyo and Brussels, and multilaterally, in the WTO committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), CODEX Alimentarius Commission, Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives, and agricultural negotiations within the WTO framework.
Open trade is of utmost importance to the European agricultural sector since the farmers' and producers' livelihood depends on it. European producers are well recognised all over the world for their high quality food and beverages.
Japan is a major food importer and its food market is one of the biggest ones in the world. However, high entry barriers and high tariffs maintained on products of export interest to the EU limited the variety of products that EU producers can export to Japan. This resulted in a limited range of European food products on offer in Japan and also in high consumer prices.
Through the EPA with Japan, the EU has increased transparency and clear regulatory frameworks that will enable European companies to have easier access to the Japanese market and that the EU market share increases to its rightful level.
Japan itself has recently become more focused on improving the competitiveness of its agricultural sector and increasing its exports of agricultural and foodstuff products. As Japan begins to appreciate the possibilities for economic growth that trade opportunities offer also to the agricultural sector it will discover that gaining access to the markets of others is not a one way road. Instead of shielding the agricultural sector from trade opening, well designed agricultural policies need to be in place so that the agricultural sector can compete and reap the benefits of the trade opening on its own merits.
In the case of the EU, the Common Agricultural Policy, so called CAP, and the major reforms undertaken since the 1980's have enabled the EU to participate in major trade negotiations and they continue to do so also today.
Approval of food additives
Food Safety was one of the major topics of the EPA negotiation between the EU and Japan. The Japanese list of food additives needs a major update and alignment with international standards. In December 2002, the Japanese government identified 46 priority food additives "whose safety is globally confirmed and which are widely used outside Japan". Although these substances had already been evaluated by the Joint WHO/FAO Expert Committee on Food Additives and are therefore approved and used in many countries including EU Member States and the US, the Japanese Government maintained that these substances should be evaluated individually on the basis of specific Japanese criteria. As for the additives of the EU's interest within the list of 46 priority additives, the approval process was completed. However, a significant number of other substances still need to be approved in Japan. Until this happens, many European food and beverages of the highest quality and high safety standards are still unable to enter the Japanese market. Under the EPA agreement, wine additives that are widely used in Europe were approved and it is now possible for wider range of wines with excellent quality to be exported from Europe to Japan.
Data Flows and the Digital Economy
General Data Protection Regulation
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has given individuals better control of their data, providing a clearer definition of existing rights and obligations, and introducing rights (e.g. right to portability) and obligations (e.g. data breach notification). The EU’s digital single market is thus based on harmonised rules, on modernised governance for the protection of data, and on stronger institutions which will ensure consistent application of the Regulation for personal data..
Japanese businesses will have to comply with the GDPR if the company either processes data in the context of the activities of an EU establishment, or targets the EU market by offering goods or services specifically to customers in the EU or monitoring their behaviour.
Data transfers outside the EU are also covered by GDPR, with the Regulation providing a broad toolbox of transfer tools. Furthermore, in January 2019 Japan was recognised as providing an adequate level of protection for personal data transferred between the European Union and Japan. The Commission’s adequacy decision covers the Japanese Act on the Protection of Personal Information (APPI), as complemented by Supplementary Rules that were put in place to bridge certain relevant differences between the APPI and GDPR.
The effect of such a decision is that personal data can flow from the EU to Japan without any further safeguards being necessary. This adequacy agreement between the EU and Japan was subject to a successful periodic review in 2023. This review demonstrated that the convergence between the EU and Japan’s data protection frameworks has further increased.
Cross Border Data Flows under the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)
In 2024, new rules were added to the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement regarding cross-border data flows.
When agreed, the EPA had included a clause which stated that the two sides would assess the need for the inclusion of provisions on cross-border data flows within three years of the date of entry of the EPA, from 2019. Following an assessment, formal negotiations were then launched in October 2022. They were finalised in October 2023, and the new provisions entered into force from 1 July 2024.
The new rules will be a crucial enabler of cross border data flows, and deliver substantial benefits to companies active across most sectors, from financial services, transport, machinery, to e-commerce. The new rules will enable companies to handle data efficiently without cumbersome administrative or storage requirements, and provide them with a predictable legal environment. An important element of the deal is the removal of costly data localisation requirements.
Data and the EU-Japan Digital Partnership
Under the EU-Japan Digital Partnership, the EU and Japan are working closely together to realise Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT), and welcome ongoing discussions to expand the scope of the EU adequacy decision for Japan to academia and the public sector.
Both sides are also cooperating with a view to promoting interoperability between common European data spaces and Japanese data spaces, and involving their respective industry associations. This cooperation will also cover standardization in this area.
Business Networks
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation is a joint venture established in 1987 by the European Commission (DG GROW) and the Japanese Government (METI) for promoting all forms of industrial, trade and investment cooperation between the EU and Japan. It is jointly funded and managed by both sides. It has its head office in Tokyo and an office in Brussels. Please have a look at the Centre’s activities in a nutshell to get a sense of the Center’s activities.
The EU-Japan Business Round Table is made up of around 76 CEOs/senior executives from leading EU and Japanese firms who meet once a year to review all aspects of business cooperation and to make policy recommendations to the European Commission and Japanese government. It aims to contribute to the economic success of Japanese and European industry. It identifies mutually-beneficial initiatives and keeps track of progress achieved by the European and Japanese administrations. Its discussions cover various topics including the economy, the business environment and current issues.
European Business Council (EBC)
The European Business Council (EBC) is the trade policy arm of 15 European National Chambers of Commerce and Business Associations in Japan and is registered as the EU Chamber of Commerce in Japan. It represents over 2,500 local European companies and individuals and works closely with the EU Delegation, the national European Embassies and business organisations to co-ordinate policy proposals. It makes suggestions to the Japanese government on how to create an open environment for trade and investment in Japan. The EBC, with its 22 industry committees, produces an annual report on the Japanese business environment, outlining the key issues of concern. Past issues of the report are available here.
Access2Markets is an interactive, free online portal offered by the European Commission's DG TRADE where companies interested in exporting products from the EU or importing products into the EU can find information on applicable tariffs and taxes, customs procedures, product requirements or existing barriers.
The Access2Markets includes also the Rules of Origin Self-Assessment (ROSA) tool which helps companies to assess if a product they intend to export or import meets the required rules of origin criteria.
For companies that are not familiar with international trade, the Access2Markets portal also provides more detailed guidance, such as detailed step-by-step guides for trading goods and services, explanations of key trade concepts, useful contact information for companies, company success stories, and the latest news on trade-related issues.
EU-Japan Policy Dialogues
Policy dialogues provide a regular forum for the EU and Japan to discuss a range of issues.
Some of the key dialogues are listed below. In addition, under the EPA, the EU and Japan regularly hold meetings of topical committees and working groups. A list can be found here.
ICT Policy Dialogue
The ICT Policy Dialogue is a long-standing annual dialogue on issues related to information and communication technologies, encompassing trade, internet governance, security, regulatory frameworks, cooperation on research and development, and other pertinent topics.
Cyber Dialogue
The first EU-Japan bilateral cyber dialogue took place in autumn 2014, and covered respective cyber policy agendas, cybersecurity, cybercrime and international aspects. It also touched upon issues surrounding the norms, rules and principles for cyberspace, and capacity building.
Space Dialogue
During this Dialogue, the information on the current state of play on the Space policies in both the EU and Japan are shared, and discussions are conducted to exchange views and to talk about the way forward for further cooperation between the EU and Japan for the Space sector.
Industrial Policy Dialogue
The EU-Japan Industrial Policy Dialogue is a forum for in-depth discussion on issues of mutual interest between Japan and the EU, covering competitiveness and industrial policy. This dialogue has been existing for almost two decades and it is particularly valuable as both Europe and Japan continue to be confronted with similar challenges, such as boosting competitiveness while addressing climate change issues, addressing the growing competition of third countries, improving energy efficiency, and which policies to adopt to accompany the digital transformation of the industry and enterprises.
The EU-Japan Industrial Policy Dialogue is the umbrella for six technical working groups that meet once a year before the plenary session.
The groups are: Standards and conformity assessment; Automotive; Corporate social responsibility; Chemicals, Robotics and Environment/Climate change.
EU-Japan Customs Cooperation
The EU and Japan have a long history of cooperation on customs matters. In 2008 they established a bilateral Agreement on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Matters. Its implementation is regularly reviewed by the EU-Japan Joint Customs Cooperation Committee (JCCC).
In addition, the Committee on Rules of Origin and Customs-Related Matters was established under the EU-Japan EPA with the view to facilitating a smoother and more efficient implementation of the Agreement, thus contributing to the expansion of trade between the EU and Japan.
Both sides also cooperate closely in international fora, including in the WTO on trade facilitation and in the World Customs Organization (WCO) on capacity building in developing countries.
Industrial Dialogue on Railways
This Dialogue aims to promote cooperation and information exchange and to facilitate bilateral trade in the railway sector, including procurement and purchases by private operators.
Topics covered include greater transparency in procurement, exchange of best practices on market access and technical regulations and safety standards in the EU and Japan. The Dialogue also helps to deepen existing business contacts between the industries.
High-Level Dialogue on the Environment
The EU and Japan share a number of interests and concerns on environment-related issues. The Dialogue covers a wide range of common interests, including biodiversity, circular economy, and marine plastic litter.
High Level Bilateral Dialogue on Climate Change
This annual high level dialogue discusses issues related to climate change, in particular common challenges in tackling global warming. The Dialogue usually takes place at the beginning of the year, following the outcome of the UNFCCC annual climate change conference.
Energy Dialogue
Energy security and promotion of clean energy are key policy objectives for both the EU and Japan. To secure a reasonably-priced, stable supply of energy, both sides have a common interest in diversifying sources and types of energy, enhancing energy efficiency and developing renewable energy sources. We regularly exchange information and best practices in promoting open, transparent and competitive energy markets, and on efficient legal and regulatory frameworks that underpin a clean energy economy. Other key areas for EU and Japan cooperation are LNG (liquefied natural gas) and hydrogen.
Food Safety Dialogue
The European Food Safety Agency and the Japanese Food Safety Commission meet annually. A joint action plan allows for cooperation in a number of areas, with the ultimate aim of exchanging good practices on regulatory approval procedures for food additives.
High Level Dialogue on Fisheries and Maritime affairs
Regular discussions cover a wide range of issues on the multilateral and bilateral agenda, including an exchange of views on respective fisheries policies and maritime affairs.
Macroeconomic Dialogue
The EU and Japan hold an annual macroeconomic dialogue co-chaired by the European Commission on the EU side and the Japanese Ministry of Finance (for fiscal and budgetary issues) and the Cabinet Office (for Japan's overall economic strategy). Major themes include an exchange of views on the global economic outlook and latest fiscal and monetary policy developments. There is also a regular discussion on the progress of structural reforms in both the EU and Japan.
EU-Japan Joint Financial Regulatory Forum
The EU-Japan Joint Financial Regulatory Forum was established under the EU-Japan EPA to offer the opportunity for an exchange of views on the recent developments on the regulatory developments in the financial services sector and to establish the EU-Japan regulatory and supervisory cooperation frameworks. The EU and Japan discuss not only bilateral issues but also topics of common interest in the G20 and FSB context.
The forum focuses on recent reforms affecting banking, insurance, benchmarks, derivatives, accounting and investment funds including such issues as equivalence, sustainable finance, Basel III, Banking Union and Fintec. In the field of sustainable finance, the EU has taken the initiative in to promote the International Platform on Sustainable Finance.
Transport policy dialogues
Policymakers from the European Commission and Japan hold regular dialogues covering policy issues affecting all modes of transport (road, rail, air, maritime), in addition to exchanges dedicated specifically to transport security and maritime transport.
Competition Policy Dialogue
Japan and the EU signed a cooperation agreement on competition in 2003, and annual consultations on competition policy are held between Japan's Fair Trade Commission and the EU's Directorate-General for Competition to exchange information and discuss recent developments. Both the EU and Japan also regularly take part in International Competition Network meetings, where officials of 141 competition agencies from 130 jurisdictions discuss competition policy developments.
Under the 2003 EU-Japan Agreement on Cooperation on Anti-competitive Activities the two competition authorities inform each other of enforcement activities that might affect major interests of the other party, e.g. any merger cases or other proceedings involving Japanese companies. The Agreement also provides for coordination and cooperation of enforcement activities and allows for our respective competition authorities to request enforcement actions against anti-competitive behaviour carried out in the territory of the other party.
The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) also further enhances bilateral cooperation in this area.
EU-Japan High Level Economic Dialogue (HLED)
The EU and Japan hold an annual High Level Economic Dialogue (HLED) co-chaired by the European Commission (DG Trade), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Japan and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Discussions cover a wide range of economic issues, including an exchange of views on supply chain resilience, economic security, export control, multilateral trading systems (WTO) and data flows.