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Security services contract for the benefit of the Regional Advisory and Coordination Cell (RACC) of EUCAP Sahel Mali mission in Nouakchott, Mauritania

This involves providing a security service for the benefit of the RACC, in Nouakchott with a 
view to keep the new headquarters of the RACC as well as the private residences of its members.

It should be noted that the contract award is subject to the prior adoption of a financing 

This condition does not affect the elements of the tendering procedure (such will be the case, 
for example, if the budget initially foreseen is different, or if the implementation schedule, 
its nature or its conditions are modified). If this condition is not fulfilled, the contracting 
authority may either abandon the contract or cancel the award procedure, without the candidates 
or tenderers being able to claim any compensation.

Please see the information below:

File 747_-_avis_de_marche.docx

File 747_-_avis_de_marche_-_informations_additionnelles.docx

File 747_-_formulaire_de_candidature.docx



Date : 01/12/2021Local time: 12h00