“Life suspended”: A decade trapped in limbo
The side-event will be a moderated panel of speakers, followed by discussion and Q&A around the following questions:
- What are the current conditions in Syria and Lebanon for displaced persons? What do we foresee for these countries in the near future and how will these conditions affect the displaced?
- How to ensure and strengthen robust and transparent processes and mechanisms to monitor conditions for return inside Syria? What is the importance of the UNHCR Protection Thresholds in this regard?
- In the absence of conditions for a safe, voluntary and dignified return, what specific actions can participants of the Brussels V Conference take to ensure the survival and wellbeing of displaced persons in Syria and Lebanon? What are the specific gendered aspects of displacement, and how to ensure a gender-sensitive approach towards protracted displacement?
- What specific actions can participants of the Brussels V Conference take to increase aid localisation efforts?
- What efforts should European refugee-hosting countries be making to uphold their humanitarian obligations and create pathways for durable solutions to the Syrian refugee crisis?
Organiser: The Refugee Protection Watch (RPW) coalition, the We Exist! Advocacy Alliance and the Persons Affected by the Syrian Displacement Crisis in Lebanon Working Group (PASC-WG)
Date: 17/03/2021 11:00-12:30 CET
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