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Green Nexus Programme


Supporting a climate-resilient transition towards green partnerships, sustainable growth and decent jobs in Zambia.


The EU Green Nexus Programme is at the heart of the European Union’s Global Gateway Strategy in Zambia to promote partnerships for a resilient, sustainable and inclusive development in Zambia. This action brings together the Team Europe’s funding and expertise of the Czech Development Agency, the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development and GIZ, Agence Française de Développement, Sweden, and the World Food Programme.


The Green Nexus uses a cohesive, innovative landscape approach to enhance integrated management of Zambia’s natural resources in agriculture, forestry, biodiversity, water, and climate. The programme partners with Zambian leading institutions,  included and empowers communities, with particular attention to women and youth. It adopts technology for lasting environmental and economic benefits. Through the Green Nexus Programme, the EU and its partners demonstrate a committed investment in Zambia’s future, aligning local actions with global ambitions for a more sustainable and inclusive development path.

The Green Nexus Programme is designed to promote and facilitate investments in green recovery and sustainable growth along the agriculture-forestry-biodiversity-water and climate nexus, aiming at decent job creation and skills development. In this context, the concept of “nexus” refers to the programme’s landscape approach that appreciates the interconnected nature of environmental sustainability, economic development, and social well-being through integrated management of natural resources that supports economic growth, environmental sustainability,
and social inclusion.
It enhances and strengthens policies and legislation encouraging sustainable land use and natural resource management across various sectors. By promoting coordination and strengthening capacities, the Green Nexus Programme aims to improve land use planning, increase resilience to climate change, and ensure
sustainable management of natural resources through innovative financing.

Project component key approaches
The Green Nexus Programme encompasses a diverse portfolio of projects, each targeting specific challenges and opportunities within Zambia’s development landscape. These range from integrated landscape management, water resources management and landscape protection to sustainable agricultural methods and improved access to market, and value chains and empowering women and youth.
1. SLIM Sustainable Landscape through Integrated Management:
Implemented by the Czech National Development Agency, focusing on sustainable land management. Co-funded by Czechia.
2. AWARE 2.0 Integrated Water Catchment Management and Landscape
Protection in Zambia Implemented by GIZ, aimed at enhancing water resources management. Co-funded by Germany.
3. ELSAM Enhancing Livelihoods and Smallholder Agricultural Markets:
A project promoting sustainable agricultural methods and enhancing food security implemented and co-funded by WFP.
4. AFD: Coming soon: Support to value chains in forest and products and services and income generation in game management areas.

Key Approaches

Integrated Approach: The programme adopts a nexus approach,
integrating multiple sectors to ensure holistic and sustainable management of natural resources.
Green Partnerships and Investments: It focuses on building
green partnerships and investing in initiatives that promote environmental sustainability and economic growth.
Climate-Resilient Transition: A core objective is to support Zambia’s transition towards a climate-resilient economy, ensuring sustainability in the face of changing climate patterns.

Expected results
The Green Nexus Programme presents an innovative approach that understands the intricate connections of our natural world and human activities. By harmonising these sectors, NEXUS aims for environmental preservation and nurtures economic growth and community empowerment, especially uplifting women and youth. This is about safeguarding Zambia’s rich natural heritage and crafting a resilient, prosperous future for its people, aligning with both EU and Zambia’s strategic goals for sustainable, inclusive development.
The Green NEXUS has set out to achieve the following goals:
1. Enhance ecosystem resilience: Improve the ability of ecosystems to support agriculture, protect biodiversity, and withstand climate change impacts.
2. Improve livelihoods: Utilize integrated landscape approaches to
improve the livelihoods of local communities, especially those who depend on agriculture and natural resources.
3. Increase participation in sustainable value chains: Promote the
participation of smallholder farmers, particularly women and youth, in market-integrated, sustainable, low-carbon, and nutrition-sensitive value chains.
4. Introduce sustainable management practices: Adopt sustainable management practices in agricultural and pastoral ecosystems to improve productivity and environmental health.
5. Protect ecosystems: Target the protection and sustainable management of terrestrial, freshwater, and groundwater ecosystems, contributing to biodiversity conservation and water security.
6. Income Opportunities: Increase income opportunities for local
communities through sustainable resource management practices, enhancing economic stability and growth.

Zambian part of the Greater Kavango Zambezi (KAZA) Trans-Frontier Conservation Area from the Greater Kafue ecosystem south-west through the Luangwa – Nyika corridors of Central and Eastern Zambia).
EUR 28,700,000
Environment and Climate change
Contact Details

Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Zambia & COMESA
[email protected], Political, Press and Information Section Tel. +260 97 000 7092

Paola Gosparini, Programme Manager, [email protected]

• European Union, Sweden, Germany, World Food Programme, Czech Republic and France.
PARTNERS: Ministries: Ministry of Finance and National Planning, Ministry of Green Economy and Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Water Sanitation and Development, Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, Ministry of Local Government and Ru
EUR 37.3 million-including a transfer agreement with Sweden for EUR 7 million
Neighbourhood, Development, and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI-Global Europe)