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EU Statement at the Trade Negotiations Committee/Head of Delegations (TNC/HODs), 12 December 2024

Statement delivered by Ambassador João Aguiar Machado

I would like to thank you, Director General, for your detailed report, as well as the Chairs of the negotiating groups for their updates and valuable work.

Let me dive straight into the substance of ongoing negotiations and processes. Starting with fisheries subsidies, I would like to thank the Chair, Ambassador Gunnarsson, for his determination and unflagging efforts to advance negotiations. The European Union believes the hybrid approach has the support of almost all the membership and it could lead to a meaningful agreement in line with the mandate. It is regrettable that a few Members insist on incompatible approaches that do not generate the necessary consensus. Based on the recent bilateral exchanges that we have had with several members, it does not look like a breakthrough will be possible by the time of the General Council. More time will be needed to reflect on the best way forward.

On agriculture, the European Union would again note how unfortunate it is that no agreement could be reached back in July, when we had a comprehensive and valuable text on the table for the way forward in the agricultural negotiations. Over the past week, we have seen various efforts by the Director General, the CoASS Chair, and some Members, to set up a process. The issue of sequencing of the negotiation topics seems again to be key and is hampering progress. The European Union is ready to join discussions or processes which can help us define what we want to achieve by MC14. However, we would not want to spend more time on process unless it helps build trust which is much needed. The European Union is convinced that we need to continue the agricultural negotiations not only with a view to reduce trade-distorting support but also to integrate global challenges such as food security and sustainability.

On development, the European Union takes note of the Report of the Chair of the CTDSS. As regards the implementation of the MC13 Declaration [on the Precise, Effective and Operational Implementation of Special and Differential Treatment Provisions of the SPS and TBT Agreements], the European Union appreciates the report of the facilitator as well as the useful information received from the TBT and SPS committees on ongoing work. The European Union remains open to further thematic discussions based on concrete experiences by developing country members. The experience of the TBT and SPS can be a useful inspiration for the facilitators on technology transfer and TRIMS on how to take these discussions forward.

Thank you.