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Introducing the winners of the 2024 EmpowerEU Awards!

The winners have been announced of the 2024 EmpowerEU Awards - the awards that celebrate EU citizens in the UK and inspiring young leaders who are building bridges and making a meaningful impact in their communities. These awards honour exceptional efforts across civil society to strengthen EU-UK relations.

Background to the Awards
Two years went into the design and conception of a new recognition scheme to celebrate the achievements of community and diaspora organisations representing and assisting EU citizens and their communities in the UK and promoting relations between the EU and the UK through local communities.

The Citizens Gathering of 2022 and 2023 included workshops to discuss the merits and characteristics of such an award scheme and the main takeaways from the workshops fed into establishing the outline for EmpowerEU awards. The scheme to honour outstanding achievements that impact EU citizens, local communities and youth in the UK, and develop broader EU-UK people-to-people relations was launched on May 9th at the Delegation's Europe Day celebrations by EU Ambassador to the UK  Pedro Serrano.

The categories that are recognised in the EmpowerEU Awards run as follows: 


An award that forefronts youth-led work that fosters UK-EU cooperation or relations between young people in the UK and the EU (age 15-30) most notably work that is inspiring lasting change.   


An award aimed at grassroots community groups, small charities, social enterprises and local initiatives (including local projects, collectives, mutual aid groups) that have addressed issues experienced by European communities on a local level or strengthened relationships between EU and UK citizens through local organising, peer to peer movements, art and direct action. 


An award that recognises one organisation’s outstanding contribution towards creating a lasting and significant change for EU citizens living in the UK, or contributed to the development of EU-UK relations across communities. 

The judging panels were made up of representatives from the EU Delegation, European Parliament Liaison Office, EU Member States, community organisations and youth organisations.

  • Join us in congratulating the winners for their incredible work and contributions!

Winners montage

Youth Champions Winner: Young European Movement UK

YEM engages young people in European issues through educational campaigns, debates, and workshops that foster active citizenship and democratic participation.

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Community Champions Winner: Polish Eastern European Christian Family Centre
Since 2008, PEEC has been helping new migrants from Poland and Eastern Europe settle in the UK, offering essential support to ease their transition.

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Special Mention – Community Endeavour: Settled
Settled has supported EU citizens in securing their status under the EU Settlement Scheme, offering multilingual advice and assistance across the UK since 2019.

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For a thorough report on the day itself please see here or indeed listen in to our special edition of the Delegation podcast London Calling EU devoted to the Gathering here.


Outstanding Achievement Winner - the3million
As the largest grassroots organisation advocating for EU citizens’ rights in the UK, the3million has been a steadfast voice for the community since 2016.

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To all the winners and nominees of the EmpowerEU Awards—thank you for your dedication and impactful contributions to EU-UK relations. Your efforts to build networks, promote unity, and support EU citizens in the UK create lasting, positive change across borders.