13th UN Forum on Business and Human Rights Side Event - Developing the European Due Diligence Helpdesk for Partner Countries
As part of this side session of the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights in Geneva, the EU Helpdesk on CS3D accompanying measures (working title) will be introduced to the general public. This event aims to inform interested stakeholders on the EU Helpdesk offer and its support to stakeholders from partner countries (businesses, civil society organisations, governments and multi-stakeholder initiatives) which will be launched in spring 2025. The primary objective of this event is to provide an opportunity to discuss together with representatives of the EU Helpdesk target groups their support needs regarding new due diligence regulations like the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D). The outcomes of the discussions will help creating and maintaining an offer, which is tailored to the target group’s needs regarding the upcoming requirements of corporate due diligence regulations.
The emerging landscape of different helpdesks shows the need for support structures, however it is important for this event to emphasise the complementarity of the different helpdesk structures and the added value of the EU Helpdesk.
This event is part of the ongoing consultation process surrounding the set-up of the EU Helpdesk. It will help enhance visibility and create awareness of the project vis-à-vis the EU Helpdesk’s target group, namely stakeholders from partner countries. Multiplying organisations (e.g., EU business associations, International NGOs, EU governments) will also be invited to attend the event to promote the EU Helpdesk within their networks and thus further enhance the uptake of the advisory services of the EU Helpdesk.
The panel discussion will be guided by the following questions:
Do you feel that there is awareness in your country/sector that the CSDDD is coming and that there may be a need to prepare for raised expectations?
What are examples of effective support measures that have already proven helpful for local actors to implement Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence (HREDD)?
What type of support is needed by local actors to address the upcoming changes associated with the CSDDD, and how could the EU and other actors provide assistance?
The EU is offering a wide range of support measures: How can these be effectively communicated in partner countries to reach the relevant stakeholders?