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POWER-Promotion of Women through Economic Empowerment and Rights

The project intends to address gender inequality by providing equal opportunities to women and vulnerable people to access assets, services and economic activities, in addition to addressing harmful norms and advocating for increased women’s voices and agency in the public domain.

This project is implemented by World Vision Timor Leste, Fundasaun Esperansa Enclave Oecusse (FEEO) and Forum Komunikasi Untuk Perempuan Timor Lorosa’e (FOKUPERS),  with World Vision Australia as the lead.

The project will support women and vulnerable people in Covalima and Oecusse to participate safely and equally in economic and social activities. It will do this through improving access to information and services, improving women’s incomes, advocating and strengthening women’s voices and addressing harmful gender norms.

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Women and Children
Gender Equality