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“Çağlayancerit cevizi” walnut of Kahramanmaraş wins EU recognition


“Çağlayancerit cevizi” has been awarded the protected designation of origin (PDO) status by the European Union (EU).

The medium-sized fruit differs from other walnut grown in Türkiye with a kernel fill of 99%, oily taste, flavour intensity and shell whiteness. The easily broken shell and the easily removed walnut kernel as a whole are some of the most important features of the Çağlayancerit Cevizi.


The recognition by the EU will help to protect the name and to promote the product and its unique characteristics linked to geographical origin as well as traditional know-how. 

According to the Head of the EU Delegation, Ambassador Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut, “One of the most important advantages of the geographical indications is to add value to regional produce. Another one is that the Geographical indication guarantees the authenticity of the product and serves to reinforce its national and international recognition. The geographical indication logo will let consumers know they are getting a genuine 'Çağlayancerit Cevizi'. The recognition by the EU will bring wider recognition to this walnut and its producers beyond Türkiye.”


Walnut cultivation in Çağlayancerit is an important tradition passed from family to family and culture, and Çağlayancerit Cevizi has become a symbol of Kahramanmaraş for years. The biggest indicator that sings the historical importance and current size of walnut production in the region is the walnut trees between the ages of 400 and 500. Since the region adaptation of Çağlayancerit Cevizi has increased its resistance against diseases and pests, it is able to grow without chemical pesticides.

Although there is generally walnut production around Kahramanmaraş, the "Çağlayancerit cevizi" is the most superior in terms of aroma, size, and quality because of the district's location, an altitude of 1150 m, climate, soil structure, irrigation water characteristics and traditional know-how. Çağlayancerit region, in which the production volume is the largest amount, has become a natural walnut garden with a combination of many features for walnut cultivation. The livelihood of 80 per cent of the people living in the district is walnut.

The “Çağlayancerit cevizi” has become the first product registered by the EU as a geographical indication in Kahramanmaraş, and this registration makes them proud, according to Emrah Hatunoğlu, the Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality Head of the Foreign Relations Department, who conducted the application process. Stressing the importance of the walnut for the region, Emrah Hatunoğlu says, “The EU geographical indication will protect the existing walnut trees, lead the planting of new ones and contribute to walnut growth. We believe that it will create an advantage in promotion, competitiveness, export and rural development.”


One of those who conducted the application process is Ömer Çedene, President of Çağlayancerit Chamber of Agriculture and a walnut producer.

“To apply for the EU geographical indication, firstly, obtaining a national geographical indication from the Türkiye Republic, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is necessary. After receiving it, demand for Çağlayancerit Walnut increased. So I think this demand will increase even more with the EU geographical indication. We will open up to the world,” he says.

The people in Çağlayancerit also get excited about the development. One of which is Zahide Bulut, the walnut producer who also makes walnut jam. She states, “Our walnut has high nutritional value. It is oilier, whiter, larger, and tastier. We expect that there will be worldwide demand for our walnuts.”


Stating the walnut is for table use, another producer, Mehmet Kekil, also President of Çağlayancerit Walnut Agricultural Development Cooperative, adds: "I would recommend it to everyone. From old times, this walnut has been sold by the grain. The season hasn't started yet, but it will cost around 1.5 TL each. One kilo is equivalent to 70-80 walnuts.”

Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality, with Kahramanmaraş Commodity Exchange’s support, applied to the EU on behalf of Çağlayancerit Chamber of Agriculture to obtain EU geographical indication.


The EU has previously awarded PDO and PGI (protected geographical indication) status to other foods from Türkiye: Antep Baklavası / Gaziantep Baklavası, Aydın Kestanesi”, "Aydın İnciri", "Bayramiç Beyazı", "Malatya Kayısısı", "Milas Zeytinyağı", "Taşköprü Sarımsağı", “Giresun Tombul Fındığı”, “Antakya Künefesi” and “Suruç Narı”.

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