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EU Policy and Outreach Partnership (EUPOP) in the Republic of Korea


Theme (policy): Public and Cultural Diplomacy

Country: Republic of Korea

Partnership Instrument (PI) Annual Action Programme: 2018

Status: ongoing

Implementation period: 2020-2021

EU Funding: EUR 641 450 Project contract number(s):411250


The general objective of the action is to support the European Union to carry out public diplomacy activities to engage meaningfully with target audiences and groups in the Republic of Korea.

The specific objective is to establish effective partnerships and networks connecting and positively engaging like-minded or neutral South Korean target audiences and partners, with a specific focus on Youth and Civil Society Organisations.

Project activities focus mainly on implementing Model EU Simulations (MEU) targeting students and academics and a broader South Korean audience; and activities to engage civil society organisations (CSO) and professionals (including influencers and multipliers) in the Republic of Korea to increase their understanding of EU policies and actions and enhance EU-ROK partnerships. For instance, the Korea-EU Network (KEN) supported by this project enables dialogue and collaboration among CSOs. More information on KEN is available via


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