EU-PNG ‘Partnership for Good Governance’
The EU-PNG Partnership for Good Governance (P4GG) is a five-year (2020 – 2026) programme designed to strengthen the governance and management of the Department of Justice and Attorney General (DJAG), the Royal Papua New Guinea Police Constabulary (RPNGPC), and the Independent Commission for Against Corruption (ICAC) as well as revitalizing the Village Court System.
P4GG is implemented through direct budget support to the Papua New Guinea (PNG) Department of Treasury and complementary technical support administered through different contracts. One contract is led by Adam Smith Europe, part of Adam Smith International (ASI), as well as partners IBF International Consulting and BiRD (Bureau for Institutional Reforms and Democracy) to assist in the PNG Law and Justice Sector. The EU has also mobilised also other technical assistance under the 'PNG Anti-corruption project' (implemented jointly by the United Nations Development Porgramme (UNDP) and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)) and more recently additional complementary assistance through GFA Consulting Group GmbH (Germany) to the SLOS Secretariat to support in its coordination role, crucial for supporting economic growth and strengthening the national security.
- Total budget: EUR 26,900,000
- Budget Support Component : EUR 8,250,000
- Complementary Support : EUR 18,650,000
- Duration: 2020 – 2026
- Location: Nation Wide
- Beneficiaries: Department of Justice and Attorney General (DJAG), Village Courts and Land Mediation Secretariat (VCLMS), the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) and the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC)
- Implementing partners: Consortium led by Adam Smith Europe; UNDP and UNODC as well as GFA Consulting Group GmbH.
- Promote Good Governance and respect for the Rule of Law in PNG.
- Improved integrity, fight against corruption and crime prevention within the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC)/ Police force
- Improved accountability, transparency, efficiency and credibility of the justice system
- The Independent Commission against Corruption (ICAC) is fully operational
- Governance and integrity mechanisms are rolled out throughout the police force
- RPNGC capacities to fight against corruption enhanced
- RPNG community policing capacities, infrastructure and equipment are improved
- Governance systems in the judicial sector improved and capacities efficiency and integrity enhanced
- The village court system is revitalised
- ICAC legislated and established in accordance with UNCAC recommendations, standard and good practices
- progressively implemented
- National Anti-Corruption Plan of Action (NAPCA) progressively implemented
Main Activities include
Support to Department of Justice and Attorney General to:
- Reduce and prevent crime through appropriate legislation, policies, programmes, coordination and partnership
- arrangements.
- Improve governance and accessibility to services.
- Coordinate national, provincial and Justice Sector Legal Services which are accessible.
Support to Village Courts Land and Mediation Secretariat to:
- Improve Village courts infrastructure and equipment based on established policy
- Training of village courts officials (including magistrates, clerks and/or land mediators)
Support to Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary to:
- Investigate and prosecute all offenders according to the laws and with the use of professional investigation methods.
- Build and rehabilitate police infrastructure, acquire and maintain physical assets, and modernise information and
- communications technology.
- Develop a competent workforce and deliver professional police service.
Support to Independent Commission Against Corruption to:
- Recruitment of ICAC staff based on Organigram and following established merit-based procedures
- Training of public servants on ethics, preventions and repression of corruption
- Awareness activities with state and non-state actors on the fight against corruption
Delegation to the European Union to Papua New Guinea
P.O Box 76, Habour City, Port Moresby, PNG