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Support for the Alliance for Development in Democracy (ADD) in promoting independent and pluralistic media, access to information and the fight against disinformation in Panama, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic and Ecuador


Independent and pluralistic media, access to information and the fight against disinformation are key elements for economic growth within the framework of democracy, human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as for the deepening of relations between the four countries of the Alliance for Development in Democracy (ADD) and the European Union (EU).


General objective:

The general objective of the project is to enable the EU to address short- and medium-term foreign policy needs and opportunities by supporting innovative initiatives, deepening relations with the EU, forging partnerships and strengthening the democratic foundations of the countries targeted for assistance.

The ultimate goal is to promote economic growth within the framework of democracy, human rights and the sustainable development goals of the Alliance for Development in Democracy (ADD), promoting independent and pluralistic media, access to information and the fight against disinformation.

Specific objectives:

  • Improve frameworks and mechanisms for the legal protection of journalists, especially women, and independent media.
  • Bolster capacities of government agencies, civil society organisations and the media to detect and respond to disinformation campaigns.
  • Strengthen relationships and collaborations between different stakeholders to maximise the impact of sustainability of results.

Total cost of the intervention: 1.999.960 EUR

Amount contributed by the EU: 1.999.960 EUR

Financial instrument: Services contract (Foreign Policy Instruments Service)

Duration: July 2024 - July 2027 (36 months)

Implemented by: Particip Gmbh, Free Press Unlimited

Expected results:

The expected results will be achieved with a modular approach ensuring a balance between country-focused activities and activities with a regional dimension. Indicative activities will include:

1. Knowledge-based products (analyses and studies) on:

  • the legal framework of the media (including the digital space), freedom of the press, protection of journalists and other related topics, in accordance with international standards and respecting fundamental human rights;
  • information environments, including stakeholder analyses, analyses of sectoral political economy and media ownership, analyses of media consumption, and information and communication trends, vulnerabilities and opportunities.
  • monitoring trends in foreign and domestic information manipulation in traditional and online media, particularly on narratives, tactics, techniques and impact, including media monitoring, data analysis and investigative journalism.

2. Capacity building of beneficiaries:

  • state and non-state actors (civil society, media, private sector, etc.), on analytical methods of manipulating information (foreign and domestic), including narratives, tactics, techniques and impact;
  • independent media that research, report, publish and disseminate fact-based information;
  • information verification organisations to improve their analysis, detection, refutation and communication of disinformation campaigns;
  • civil society organisations to develop media and information literacy activities aimed at the general public and particular groups.

3. Improving the exchange of experiences and learning lessons within each target country and between countries and actors in the ADD region.

Panamá, Costa Rica, República Dominicana y Ecuador
Civil Society and Media
Particip Gmbh, Free Press Unlimited
1.999.960 EUR