Strengthening open justice for good governance through citizen auditing by CSOs working on access to justice for women in Panama
© UE en Panamá
General objective: To promote open justice with a gender perspective in women's access to justice.
Specific objectives: Promote governance through open justice with a gender perspective to prevent, punish and eradicate violence against women.
- Improve the participation of civil society organisations CSOs to promote transparency, accountability and collaboration in the implementation of international treaties, legislation and public policies related to the right to live a life free of violence for women.
- Strengthen the capacities of CSOs to monitor the fulfilment of the responsibilities of national justice sector institutions to guarantee the right to live a life free of violence with due diligence.
Total cost: 411.635 EUR
EU contribution: EUR 300.000 EUR
Financing instrument: Grant (Thematic programme call LOT 2: Human Rights and Democracy)
Duration: January 2024 – July 2026 (30 months)
Implementation: Fundación Justicia y Género
Beneficiary areas: Panama, with priority in the following territories:
- Panama: District of Panama and San Miguelito
- West Panama: Arraiján and Chorrera
- Chiriquí: David
- Veraguas: Santiago
- Colón: Colón
Expected results:
- Diagnosis on due diligence in women's access to justice related to the right to a life free of violence against women.
- Strategies designed to strengthen open justice with a gender perspective.
- Training for members of civil society organisations and officials of the justice administration system.
- Tools to implement the audit.
- Strategies implemented to strengthen open justice with a gender perspective with civil society organisations for citizen auditing.
- Communication strategy to socialise and disseminate the right to live a life free of violence for women, developed and implemented.
- Catalogue of indicators on women's human rights.
- Networks of civil society organisations promoting governance through open justice with a gender perspective to promote due diligence in women's access to justice.
- Inter-institutional guide of good community practices in the implementation of treaties, laws and public policies related to women's human rights.
- Training for members of civil society organisations in good practices of citizen auditing for a justice system that guarantees women's human rights.
- Strategies to strengthen the mainstreaming of women's human rights in public services, implemented with civil society organisations and government institutions.
- Protocols for the evaluation of public services and citizen audits on the guarantee of women's human rights based on substantive equality.
- Open justice civil society reports with a gender perspective through open consultations prepared by CSOs, disseminated nationally and to international human rights protection bodies.
Target audiences/beneficiaries:
- Project target audiences: Panamanian civil society organisations, working to promote women's human rights.
- Final beneficiaries: Panamanian women victims of gender violence.
Distrito de Panamá y San Miguelito, Arraiján y Chorrera (Panamá Oeste), David (Chiriquí), Santiago de Veraguas, Colón
Human Rights & Democracy
Fundación Justicia y Genero
300.000 EUR