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Strengthening open justice for good governance through citizen auditing by CSOs working on access to justice for women in Panama


The project seeks to address violence against women through actions to strengthen the capacities of civil society organisations to promote open justice. The project will promote the audit of the implementation of laws on women's human rights, and thus implement open justice to guarantee the right to a life free of violence for women. It is expected to increase the action of institutions and improve the effective application and implementation of these laws. All activities and products of the project will be based on a gender approach, with focus on intersectionality, interculturality and inclusion.


General objective: To promote open justice with a gender perspective in women's access to justice.

Specific objectives: Promote governance through open justice with a gender perspective to prevent, punish and eradicate violence against women.

  1. Improve the participation of civil society organisations CSOs to promote transparency, accountability and collaboration in the implementation of international treaties, legislation and public policies related to the right to live a life free of violence for women.
  2. Strengthen the capacities of CSOs to monitor the fulfilment of the responsibilities of national justice sector institutions to guarantee the right to live a life free of violence with due diligence.

Total cost: 411.635 EUR

EU contribution: EUR 300.000 EUR

Financing instrument: Grant (Thematic programme call LOT 2: Human Rights and Democracy)

Duration: January 2024 – July 2026 (30 months)

Implementation: Fundación Justicia y Género

Beneficiary areas: Panama, with priority in the following territories:

  • Panama: District of Panama and San Miguelito
  • West Panama: Arraiján and Chorrera
  • Chiriquí: David
  • Veraguas: Santiago
  • Colón: Colón

Expected results:

  • Diagnosis on due diligence in women's access to justice related to the right to a life free of violence against women.
  • Strategies designed to strengthen open justice with a gender perspective.
  • Training for members of civil society organisations and officials of the justice administration system.
  • Tools to implement the audit.
  • Strategies implemented to strengthen open justice with a gender perspective with civil society organisations for citizen auditing.
  • Communication strategy to socialise and disseminate the right to live a life free of violence for women, developed and implemented.
  • Catalogue of indicators on women's human rights.
  • Networks of civil society organisations promoting governance through open justice with a gender perspective to promote due diligence in women's access to justice.
  • Inter-institutional guide of good community practices in the implementation of treaties, laws and public policies related to women's human rights.
  • Training for members of civil society organisations in good practices of citizen auditing for a justice system that guarantees women's human rights.
  • Strategies to strengthen the mainstreaming of women's human rights in public services, implemented with civil society organisations and government institutions.
  • Protocols for the evaluation of public services and citizen audits on the guarantee of women's human rights based on substantive equality.
  • Open justice civil society reports with a gender perspective through open consultations prepared by CSOs, disseminated nationally and to international human rights protection bodies.

Target audiences/beneficiaries:

  • Project target audiences: Panamanian civil society organisations, working to promote women's human rights.
  • Final beneficiaries: Panamanian women victims of gender violence.


Distrito de Panamá y San Miguelito, Arraiján y Chorrera (Panamá Oeste), David (Chiriquí), Santiago de Veraguas, Colón
Human Rights & Democracy
Fundación Justicia y Genero
300.000 EUR