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Strengthening governance for the management of marine-coastal biodiversity through public policies and capacity building of civil society organisations in the Gulf of Chiriquí


The Gulf of Chiriquí protected area, as well as the institutions and communities that inhabit and depend on the ecosystem services associated with their livelihoods, lack coherent management actions aimed at conserving biodiversity. Due to the lack of integrated management, technical capacity, leadership and a governance model, the livelihoods of the populations and marine-coastal biodiversity continue to be degraded. This project will focus on increasing the area of mangrove habitat through conservation, restoration and equitable management and thus prioritise the strengthening and protection of coastal ecosystems, implementing previous projects on environmental education, mangrove restoration, blue carbon, and advice and support to the Ministry of Environment.


General objective: Contribute to improved participatory management and conservation processes and sustainable use of marine-coastal biodiversity and associated ecosystem services in the Gulf of Chiriquí.

Specific objectives:

  1. Increase the quality of governance and management capacities of the site with a gender approach, to ensure the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services linked to the livelihoods of local communities.
  2. Strengthen the technical and leadership capacities of men and women necessary to consolidate the sustainable management of the site's marine-coastal biodiversity.

Total cost: 463.182 EUR

EU contribution: 413.182 EUR

Financing instrument: Grant (Thematic Programme Call LOT 1: Civil Society Organisations)

Duration: January 2024 – January 2026 (24 months)

Implementation: Wetlands International Foundation

Beneficiary area: Gulf of Chiriqui

Target audiences/beneficiaries:

  • Recipients: Ministry of Environment of Panama, Autoridad de los Recursos Acuáticos de Panamá, Instituto Panameño Autónomo Cooperativo, Autoridad Marítima de Panamá, Municipalities, Juntas Comunales.
  • Final Beneficiaries: Ministry of the Environment of Panama, Panama's Aquatic Resources Authority, Municipalities, Community Boards, local communities and social organisations.