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[Regional] Projects in the area of security



Organised crime  

Project Objetives


Activities in/with Panamá

EL PAcCTO 2.0 (Europe Latin America Programme of Assistance against Transnational Organised Crime)


Duration: November 2023 - December 2027 (49 months)

Strengthening Justice and Security institutions and policies in LAC, promoting an effective partnership with the EU. The programme aims to contribute to the fight against transnational organised crime, reinforcing the rule of law and citizen security through a comprehensive approach to the criminal chain.

Implementation: FIIAPP (Spain), IILA (Italy), Camoes IP (Portugal), Ministry of the Environment (Netherlands), Expertise France and Civipol (France)

Funding: EU (DG INTPA)

1. Police cooperation
2. Cooperation between justice systems
3. Penitentiary system
Support for Specialised Multidisciplinary Teams (EME)


Latin American Committee on Internal Security (EU-CLASI): Structure for informal dialogue between high-level officials in matters of security policy of Latin American countries, with the aim of jointly defining strategies and articulating public policies against organised crime.

EU Global Facility on Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (EU AML/CFT)


Duration: March 2021 - March 2026 (60 months)

Support the adoption of enhanced measures aimed at preventing money laundering and cutting off access to financing for individual terrorists and terrorist organisations.

mplementation: Expertise France (France) in cooperation with the Latin American Financial Action Task Force (AML/CFT) and the German Agency for International Cooperation (Germany)

Funding: Co-financed by the EU (FPI) and Expertise France

- May - December 2021: Trainings and mentoring focused on: Creating a National Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Framework; Review of the Scope and Methodology of Computer-Based Contracting (UBO); Parallel Investigations, Proactive Investigations, and Cash Smuggling (LEA); ICRG Mentoring
- July 2022: Training on Money Laundering Investigation with a Tax Crime Committed Abroad as a Predicate Crime
- October 2022: Training on Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing in Panama City; Training on the Beneficial Ownership Registration System; Sessions on Asset Recovery
November 2022: Regional Conference on Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Frameworks and Risk Assessment of Corporate Vehicles in the GAFILAT Region
- December 2022: Webinar on Terrorist Financing, Organised Crime and Illicit Trafficking in Goods
- February 2023: Workshop on Enhanced Investigations and Sanctions Awareness in a Terrorist Context
- March 2023: Workshop on Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Panama City; Regional Consultations on "Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Best Practices Document" in Buenos Aires
- May 2023: Regional Conference The Use of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) in the Investigation of Art and Antiques Crime
- October 2023: Training on Beneficial Ownership Transparency in Panama: Implementation and Management of Beneficial Ownership Registries
- November 2023: Regional Conference on Beneficial Ownership in Buenos Aires
- February 2024: Activity on Virtual Assets
- April 2024: World Compliance Forum in Panama; International Conference on Evidentiary Challenges in Anti-Money Laundering in Rio de Janeiro
- July 2024: Webinar on Beneficial Ownership Verification

EU-ACT II (European Union Action Against Drugs and Organised Crime)


Duración: Junio 2023 - junio 2027 (48 meses)

Support efforts to combat transnational organised crime by training law enforcement and judicial authorities.

Implementation: FIIAPP (Spain), CIVIPOL (France) and Carabinieri (Italy)

Funding: EU (Global Illicit Flows Programme - FPI)



Illicit trafficking

Project Objetive Entities Activities in/with Panamá

COPOLAD III (Programme for Cooperation between Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union on Drug Policy)


Duration: 2023 - 2024

Establishment of research priorities related to the drug problem in all its aspects through a participatory process based on scientific evidence, addressing critical elements, connecting what is being researched with national needs to properly direct available resources.

Implementation: FIIAPP (Spain), with Panamanian counterpart, the National Commission for the Study and Prevention of Drug-Related Crimes (CONAPRED)

Funding: EU (DG INTPA)

- Implementation of a national drug research network and a national drug research agenda
- Webinars: characterisation of the actors linked to the drug issue
- Technical advice: identification of knowledge gaps; analysis of the state of drug research; design and development of a research agenda


EU-CELAC Coordination and Cooperation Mechanism on Drugs: Institutionalised space since 1998 for bi-regional dialogue, made up of 33 CELAC countries and 27 EU countries. Notable events include the 10th CELAC High-Level Meeting on Migration in Santiago de Chile, the "Sofia Declaration" adopted in July 2018, and the "La Paz Declaration" of February 2024.

CRIMJUST III (Disrupting Criminal Networks operating along Illicit Trafficking Routes)


Duration: 2016 - 2025 (9 años)

Boosting cross-border post-seizure investigations, reinforcing and complementing other GIFP projects by facilitating communication and cooperation between criminal and prosecutorial investigations across illicit trafficking routes. To achieve this, CRIMJUST includes programmatic components to strengthen financial investigation strategies and actions in cooperation with its implementing partner INTERPOL. 

Implementation: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and INTERPOL

Funding: Co-financed by the EU (Global Illicit Flows Programme - FPI) and UNODC

-  Operation Lionfish III (2017) and Lionfish Global (2018), Operation Azure (2021)
- 2017: Report on institutional integrity to strengthen criminal investigation and cooperation along the cocaine route
- May 2018: Accountability assessment tool for law enforcement and justice institutions; UNODC online ethics course for public officials to combat corruption; Technical and legal support to Panama in drafting the Whistleblower Protection Bill
- 2022: Training on ethics and integrity
2022-2024: Training on cocaine production and trafficking at the Tolima Narcotics Laboratory (CENOP) in Colombia
- February 2024: Meeting of AIAMP Attorney Generals in Santiago, Chile
- May 2024: Regional Training on Financial Crimes in Panama; Workshop Financial investigations in the context of transnational organised crime
- June 2024: REDCOOP annual meeting in Buenos Aires

Illicit air trafficking


AIRCOP VI (Airport Communication Project)


Duration: June 2022 - June 2026 (48 months)

Combating illicit air trafficking by establishing joint airport interdiction working groups (GAFI), promoting the exchange of information and intelligence.

Implementation:  United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), in collaboration with the World Customs Organisation (WCO) and INTERPOL

Funding:  EU (Global Illicit Flows Programme - FPI)

- June 2024: Mentoring session on the recognition and detection of synthetic drugs at Tocumen Cargo Airport

Maritime illicit trafficking      

SEACOP VI (Sea Communication Project)


Duration: November 2023 - November 2026 (36 months)

Supporting the fight against illicit maritime trafficking and associated criminal networks by strengthening capacities in seaports and sensitive coastal areas through increased international cooperation and information sharing by creating Joint Maritime Control Units (UCCM) and Maritime Intelligence Units (UCM).

Implementation: FIIAP (Spain) and Expertise France (France), with the collaboration of DCSD and DGDDI (French Customs), MAOC-(N), FRONTEX, Judicial Police, Belgian Customs, NCA

Funding: EU (Global Illicit Flows Programme - FPI)

- October 2024: GRES port initiative in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
- November 2024: Panama participates in the GRES operational meeting

CRIMARIO II (Critical Maritime Routes Indo-Pacific)


Duration: 2021 - 2025

Promoting information exchange and analysis to support maritime coordination and crisis management, as well as strengthening maritime surveillance and patrolling.

Implementation: Expertise France (France)

Funding: ​​​​​EU (Global Illicit Flows Programme - FPI)

- January 2025: trainers' training for SENAN
- September 2024: IV Regional Seminar on Security and Defense, training for SENAN

Arms trafficking      

EU P2P P103-Global (European Union Partner-to-partner export control programme for dual-use goods)


Duration: December 2023 - December 2026 (36 months)

Promoting and strengthening international cooperation in the field of dual-use export controls, implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty and arms export controls through strengthening national and regional capacity.

Implementation: Expertise France (France) and Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (Germany)

Funding: EU (FPI)

- July 2024: Summer University on Strategic Trade Controls

PACAM II (Programme of Assistance for the Control of Arms and Ammunition)


Duration: 2022 - 2025 (36 months)

Support OAS Member States in legislative areas to improve regulatory frameworks on firearms and ammunition, as well as preventive initiatives to strengthen community resilience to armed violence.      

Implementation: Organisation of American States (OAS)

Funding: EU (Common Foreign and Security Policy)

- April 2024: First meeting on the Central American Roadmap to prevent trafficking and illicit proliferation of arms and ammunition in Central America and the Dominican Republic
- September 2024: Second meeting on the Central American Roadmap to prevent trafficking and illicit proliferation of arms and ammunition in Central America and the Dominican Republic



Project Objetive Entiries Activities in/with Panamá

Document and visa advisors – Consulting, training and networking


Duration: 2022 - 2024 (2 years)

Strong and effective integrated border management at the external borders of the European Union, ensuring a high level of internal security within the Union while safeguarding the free movement of persons within it. 

Implementation: Bundespolizei (Germany)

Funding: EU (EU Border Management and Visa Instrument BMVI)

- Creation of an Airline Information Manual: e-base for airlines to communicate current technical entry rules, in particular on the effectiveness of Schengen and the general recognition of visa documents
- Trainings

DESC (Document Examination Support Center)

Website (Versión asiática, aún no se ha hecho la de América)

Duration: Expected in 2025

Supporting requesting governments to curb transnational organised crime and prevent irregular migration by building capacity to support law enforcement agencies in the examination and verification of travel documents.

Implementation: International Organisation for Migration (IOM)

Funding: Co-financed by EU (EUROFRONT) and IOM

- November 2024: online presentation of DESC
- February 2025: regional workshop on the results of studies carried out in the region and creation of a Common Roadmap



Project Objetive Entities Activities in/with Panamá

GLACY-e (Global Action on Cybercrime Enhanced)


Duration: August 2023 - January 2026 (30 months)

Strengthening states' capacities to enforce cybercrime and electronic evidence legislation and enhancing their capacities for effective international cooperation in this area. 

Implementation: Council of Europe Cybercrime Programme Office (C-PROC) and INTERPOL

Funding:  Co-financed by EU (NDICI – Global Europe) and the Council of Europe


- August - October 2024: Technical assistance for the adoption of the Cybercrime Act to align with the Budapest Convention: public consultation workshops; legislative reform workshop
- Provision of 2 million EUR to the Alliance for the Development of Democracy to detect and respond to disinformation campaigns on social media