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[Regional] Inclusive Cities, Solidary Communities




In recent years, cities and countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have faced the phenomenon of mixed migratory flows from the outflow of refugees and migrants from Venezuela. According to data from national migration authorities, the R4V Regional Platform and other sources, by 2021 an estimated 5.6 million refugees and migrants will have moved around the world, of which 4.6 million are in Latin America and the Caribbean, in addition to more than 700,000 people who have returned to their country of origin in the region. This refugee and migrant population has a significant impact on cities, representing important challenges for local governments and host communities.

General objective: Strengthen local governments and communities in managing the impact of the crisis and support socioeconomic reactivation in the cities.

Specific objective:

  • Actions related to the analysis and systematisation of relevant information for the response of cities on COVID-19;
  • Conducting workshops for public officials;
  • Actions related to cash transfers (CBI - Cash Based Interventions) to cover basic needs of vulnerable communities in the cities targeted by the project.

Duration: 2021 - 2024

EU contribution: 16.000.000 EUR

Executing agencies: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the International Organisation for Migrants (IOM) and the United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat)

Beneficiary areas: Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Dominican Republic and Trinidad and Tobago

Target groups: Refugees, migrants and asylum seekers

Actions in Panama:

  • Inform and support the local government of La Chorrera
  • Include migration and asylum issues in urban planning and strategies
  • Promote social cohesion between the host community and refugees/migrants
  • Strengthen the capacities of local governments, civil society organisations and the private sector
La Chorrera
Migration and Forced Displacement
Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para Refugiados (ACNUR), la Organización Internacional para migrantes (OIM) y el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para los Asentamientos Humanos (ONU-Habitat)
16.000.000 EUR