Call for expression of interest in submitting a proposal on the implementation of the action Enhancing Maritime Security in Africa (“Safe Seas for Africa”)
Subject: Call for expression of interest in submitting a proposal on the implementation of the action Enhancing Maritime Security in Africa (“Safe Seas for Africa”)
In line with the action Enhancing Maritime Security in Africa (“Safe Seas for Africa”), we would like to invite you to indicate your interest in submitting a proposal on the implementation of one of the objectives of the Action (see below par. 2). The Action will be financed under the EU’s Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI-Global Europe).
1. Background and Rationale:
The Gulf of Guinea (GoG) faces escalating maritime criminality, including piracy, armed robbery, kidnapping, illegal fishing, smuggling, and environmental degradation. Despite efforts, regional institutions and coastal nations require reinforced capacities to combat these threats effectively. The Yaoundé Code of Conduct, signed in 2013, established a framework for cooperation among states in the region (Yaoundé Architecture). However, further support is necessary to enhance the implementation of this framework and strengthen the maritime security architecture.
2. Objectives:
The Overall Objective (Impact) of ”Safe Seas for Africa” is to contribute to enhance maritime security and safety in Africa. This contract would tackle specific objective 3 of the Action Document for Enhancing Maritime Security in Africa (“Safe Seas for Africa”).
Specific Objective 3: The capacities and capabilities of national and regional maritime security centres are strengthened.
Outputs to be delivered:
- The capacities of the maritime structures of the Yaoundé Architecture are reinforced.
- The coordination among the maritime structures of the Yaoundé Architecture is strengthened.
3. Tasks:
You are kindly requested to indicate your interest with a succinct concept note (2-3 pages, Times New Roman 12, single-spaced).
Please note that the maximum EU contribution is 3,000,000 EUR. The Action’s indicative operational implementation period is 36 months
4. Special Attention:
The concept note and design of the action should pay special attention to the following:
- Inclusion of local expertise and assets in project design and implementation.
- Ensuring that activities are appropriately tailored to local conditions and evolving threats to maritime security in the region.
- Consideration of regional differences and engagement with diverse stakeholders.
- Assessment of the current setup of the Yaoundé Architecture, including its strengths and weaknesses.
5. Requirements:
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Demonstrated regional expertise on maritime security and safety in West and Central Africa.
- Previous experience in implementing projects within the Gulf of Guinea region.
- Excellent knowledge of the mechanisms and structures of the Yaoundé Architecture.
- Excellent consolidated relationships with the Regional Economic Communities.
- Ability to conduct activities in both English and French.
- The entity must have institutional and administrative structures and a recognised financial capacity for similar actions.
- Ability to bring an added value to the action: presence in the targeted territories, previous experience in implementing EU funding
- The entity must be pillar-assessed authorised to sign contribution agreements under indirect management
6. Desirables:
It would be desirable if the applicant has the following:
- Established network of maritime security stakeholders, including the private sector.
- Previous collaboration with maritime security centres within the Yaoundé Architecture.
Submission Deadline: no later than Tuesday 21st May 2024
Submission Procedure: Interested entities should express their interest by submitting electronically their concept note to Therese Carlbrand, [email protected]
Subject to the quality and internal coherence of the submitted concept note, partners that expressed their interest may be invited to proceed with negotiations with the aim of concluding a full-fledged project proposal containing a description of the action, including a logical framework, and a budget.
Contact Information: For inquiries or clarifications, please contact Therese Carlbrand, [email protected]
Contact Information: For inquiries or clarifications, please contact Therese Carlbrand, [email protected]