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National Control Center (NCC) for Energy


The project will positively contribute to the achievement of universal access to energy in Mozambique and the transition towards renewable energy by supporting the power utility, Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) ability to control the nationwide power grid centrally, efficiently and reliably.

  • The NCC will also enable the country to enhance the capacity of the grid to integrate more generation from renewable sources.
    • Increase of the potential of additional variable renewable energy the grid can integrate from 800 MW to 4,100 MW
  • The NCC will strengthen Mozambique's role in the SAPP. EDM will be able to purchase necessary power or sell surpluses at market prices in the SAPP.
    • Power trade with neighbouring countries increases from 1,488,000 MWh to 1,607,000 MWh
  • The NCC will finally promote the digital transformation of Mozambique’s electricity sector.
    • 719 kms of transmission line retrofitted with fibre optic (OPGW); Increase of total length of interconnected fibre optic links from currently 766 km in the Southern Grid only to a national interconnected total length of 4,202 km (including existing lengths in the other grids, new transmission line installations and other retrofitted OPGW line projects)

The project comprises:

  • Construction of three new buildings and the rehabilitation:
    • Host the future NCC and the Backup Control Center in the greater Maputo area, as well as
    • Two regional Control Centres for the central and northern grid in Chibata and Nampula;
  • Equipped with SCADA/EMS systems for automated monitoring and control of the Mozambican power grid
  • Adaptation measures for various 70 substations to enable them to communicate automatically with the control centres. and 135 substations connected through modernised telecommunications infrastructure
  • Increase of total length of interconnected fibre optic links from currently 766 km in the Southern Grid only to a national interconnected total length of 4,202 km (including existing lengths in the other grids, new transmission line installations and other retrofitted OPGW line projects)

Economic and social benefits:

  • Reducing technical losses in Mozambique's transmission power grid from 5% to less than 4.5% saving of 36,265 MWh
  • Reduction of average power outage duration in one year from currently 50 h per year to less than 42 h per year nationwide
  • Support Mozambican government in achieving its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), with 4,660 t CO2e saved annually
  • EDM will be able to sell an additional USD 3.7 million worth of electricity per year
EUR 57,700,000.00
EU, KfW; AfDB; Sweden:
MEF, EDM and KfW
EUR 18,200,000.00