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European Film Festival 2021 launched - watch online until 21 November


The European Film Festival is an annual event that showcases a selection of European films, giving local audiences a taste of Europe’s diversity and creativity. The second online European Film Festival will run from 25 October to 21 November 2021.

The Festival is organized by the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Mongolia, in cooperation with the Embassies of the EU Member States accredited to Mongolia. The majority of the movies are a joint collaboration of some countries and they all represent the European common cultural heritage.

This time, Festival will include 16 films, which can be accessed on a dedicated platform from 25 October 2021. The films will be available in the original language with English subtitles. In addition, for Mongolian speakers 14 films will be available in Mongolian language with English subtitles and 2 in their original language with the Mongolian subtitles.




For more updated information and instructions to access the platform please follow the Delegation’s, and