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Trade Success No.14 - Zimbabwe: The EPA enhancing the export of fresh snow peas (mangetout) to the EU, supporting local smallholder farmers

"Trade Success" is a series about stories of entrepreneurs who benefit from the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the European Union (EU) and signatory countries of the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) region. In this 14th issue, discover how the EPA is enhancing the export of fresh snow peas (mangetout) from Zimbabwe to the EU, supporting local smallholder farmers.

Fresh peas are one of the most strategic vegetables grown in Zimbabwe for export. The scientific name for snow peas (mangetout) is Pisum sativum. They take on average at most, five months to mature. Varieties that mature faster can be ready for harvest as early as two or two and a half months. Some varieties will require shelling when they have been harvested, others do not require shelling and are consumed as is.

In Zimbabwe, the best time to plant peas is from February until mid-June. The first plantings are harvested end of April. Staggering plantings are done on a bi-weekly basis.

Citycircle Pvt Ltd is one of the leading firms exporting peas from Zimbabwe to the European Union.

Key facts about Citycircle Pvt Ltd:

  • Founded in 2017
  • Based in Macheke District, Zimbabwe
  • Exported 100 tonnes of fresh peas to the EU in 2021
  • With expansion, anticipated exports of 150 tonnes in 2022
  • Approximately 40% of its total exports goes to the European Union (the Netherlands, Belgium and France)

Company profile:

Citycircle Pvt Ltd was created in 2017 by its CEO, Mr Stanley Heri. Mr Heri started exporting in early 2000 as an outgrower and managed to open up to direct markets in the EU in 2002. Since 2021, the company has established an outgrower scheme mainly composed of women.

The company has provided technical extension and input support to an initial twenty outgrowers at Nemakaire Irrigation Scheme and is looking forward to increasing the number of outgrowers it can work with should more markets be identified. Exporting fresh peas has been providing a positive outlook for the horticulture export sector in Zimbabwe. The ultimate goal of Citycircle Pvt Ltd is to grow the business and expand its product range. 

Main achievements over the years:

  • Started exporting as an outgrower in early 2000 and managed to open up direct markets in the EU in 2002
  • 50 employees at creation and 120 full time employees in 2022
  • Established an outgrower scheme comprised of 20 smallholder farmers in 2021 and facilitated their access to market

How did the EPA help?

The Founder and CEO of Citycircle Pvt Ltd, Mr Stanley Heri uses the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) to export to the EU duty free and quota free.

According to Mr Heri, the company would not have been able to reach the same level of exports to the EU without the iEPA as the margins on vegetables are low and without the iEPA it would have been economically unviable.

The increased level of exports to the EU have facilitated the creation and expansion of his company allowing him to reinvest in his business, expand his pack house and cold rooms. In addition, the company has been able to provide technical and inputs support to the outgrowers in the region.

Mr Heri explained that it is very fulfilling to watch the enthusiasm of the new outgrowers, their level of dedication and determination. He hopes that the outgrower scheme he is supporting can be replicated throughout the country to empower more agri-preneurs and unlock the production capability of Zimbabwe which does not only benefit his company but each and every one of the staff that work hard and are able to support their families.

"I have benefitted in terms of EU market access without duty and quantitative restrictions, because of this I have been able to expand and increase my production"

Citycircle Pvt Ltd

Mr Stanley Heri

Founder and CEO

Pea from Unsplash

Citycircle peas for planting

Citycircle planting

Citycircle plantation