Regional - Programme in support of Food and Nutritional Security in the Indian Ocean (SANOI)
EU contribution : 16 millions euros
Implementing period : 5 years
Countries : Mauritius, Comoros, Madagascar, Seychelles
Objective : Reduce malnutrition and food insecurity in the Indian Ocean region, particularly for children aged 0 to 5 and pregnant women.
Key initiatives:
- SANOI - Food Sec Semences :
The main objective of the Food-Sec Semences project is to revive a regional sector for healthy seeds and plants, adapted to the agro-ecological conditions of the South West of the Indian Ocean.
As part of the SANOI programme, the main objective of the APTAE-OI project is to promote and disseminate a set of agro-ecological practices for a successful transition in the South West of the Indian Ocean.