Malawi Youth Sounding Board
© EU in Malawi
- To carry out a comprehensive desk-review of the EUD Malawi’s programmes, particularly under the MIP 2021 – 2027 and identify areas of engagement for the MW-YSB.
- To facilitate the exchanges and consultations between the EUD and the MW-YSB in order to ensure their inputs are taken into account in programmes and activities.
- To develop and implement an outreach strategy of the MW-YSB with their constituencies as well as other Malawian and international actors.
- To align with the EU Youth External Action Plan launched by the Youth Unit of DG INTPA and tap into its resources.
- To organise and facilitate at least one (virtual) quarterly meeting of the MW-YSB to enable constant dialogue on on-going developments and brainstorm on future engagements.
- To organise a minimum of two main events per year and specific thematic workshops or youth dialogue sessions around key days i.e. International Youth Day, International Democracy Day, 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence as part of the MW-YSB activities.
- To identify relevant national and international events organised by the EU or other partners that could be relevant to the work and mandate of the EU and facilitate participation of members of the MW-YSB.
- To provide demand driven trainings and capacity building for the MW-YSB. Specific trainings on the EU and its development cooperation might be foreseen. To increase MW-YSB member capacity for advocacy in-order to achieve a greater voice and role for youth in governance and civic affairs and implement youth-led solutions for community development.
- To coordinate and to manage the logistics and administration of the MW-YSB (physical meetings, reporting, trips of MW-YSB, organisation of events, participation and representation of the YSB in events, etc.)
- To develop a communication strategy (including public events, social media, specific awareness campaigns, etc.) in order to coordinate the communication and visibility activities of the MW-YSB in full alignment with the Strategic Communication & Public Diplomacy Action Plan of the EUD Malawi.
- Facilitate the selection process of the next M-YSB. m) In case an expenditure verification is required, the contractor shall include the name of the proposed auditor in its methodology.
EUR 195 000
Contact Details
EU Delegation to Malawi
European Union
Youth Sounding Board
EUR 195000