Your Voice Matters. Civic Tech Solutions for Decision-making
Implementing organisation: Coordinator: Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia
Co-beneficiary: iTeachMe Public Foundation
Duration: 17/01/2022 ‒ 16/01/2024
Project budget: Total budget: € 277,738
EU contribution: € 249,964
Project partners: PaperLab; CSOs; initiative groups; active citizens; national and regional government authorities; IT companies; organizations and professionals
Location: Kazakhstan
Keywords: Youth, women, civic tech, decision-making
Contract number: 429-418
Project Description
The project is aimed to strengthen the role of women and youth in decision-making to ensure responsive, inclusive and participatory decision-making at all levels in Kazakhstan.
Specific objectives: 1) to increase participation of women and youth in decision-making; 2) to improve digital literacy rate to foster effective involvement in decision-making.
We will facilitate equitable and collaborative partnerships between the target groups and local authorities. This will amplify community voices in local and national-level dialogue and decision-making processes to make the government more responsive to the needs of its diverse citizenry.
Target groups: 1) women and girls; 2) youth
Expected results:
Civic Tech Toolkit developed
100,000 people increased awareness of civic tech tools and available resources
270 women and youth improved skills in addressing community needs with the help of civic tech tools
60 people improved their digital skills and became subject-matter experts
25 CSOs and initiative groups improved their civic tech knowledge and skills
10 government officials improved performance in addressing social issues
10 civic tech projects strengthened through financial support to third parties.