Promoting the implementation of international standards and best practices in the fight against torture in Kazakhstan by strengthening the capacity of the NGO Coalition against Torture
Implementing organisation: Applicant: Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and the Rule of Law (KIBHR)
Co-applicant: International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR)
Duration: 1 February 2020–30 April 2023
Total budget: €315,800
EU contribution: €300,000
Project partners: Kazakhstani NGO Coalition against Torture; state authorities
Location: Kazakhstan
Keywords: 3 keywords which will make the project easy to find online: Kazakhstan; fight against torture; Coalition against Torture
Contract number: EIDHR/2019/ 412-757
Main target groups
- NGOs involved in the fight against torture and ill-treatment in Kazakhstan, in particular members of the NGO Coalition against Torture;
-Victims and potential victims of torture and ill-treatment, including people in detention and members of vulnerable groups such as women, children and disabled people, as well as their family members;
- Members of the National Preventive Mechanism;
- National authorities; and
- International institutions and stakeholders.
- Increased capacity and resources of the NGO Coalition against torture to address the problem of torture;
- Enhanced cooperation among civil society and national
authorities in the fight against torture, and more effective
functioning of the National Preventive Mechanism;
- Improved access to adequate legal, medical and psychological assistance among torture victims;
- Improved knowledge and skills of law enforcement officials to investigate torture allegations and hold perpetrators
- Improved visibility of torture-related issues in Kazakhstan,
and improved access to information on such issues among
national and international target institutions.