Call for Corporate Sponsors for Europe Day 2025 Jakarta
The European Union Delegation to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam and the European Union Delegation to ASEAN, together with the Regional Representation Office of the European Investment Bank in Jakarta will host a reception on Friday 9 May 2025 for the celebration of EUROPE DAY 2025. The event will take place at Ayana Midplaza Hotel.
As we celebrate 37 years of the EU’s diplomatic presence in Jakarta, we emphasise the potential to have more fruitful relations with Indonesia and ASEAN through this celebration, bringing together VIPs from Government and State institutions, businesses, civil society, as well as from Embassies and Diplomatic Missions in Jakarta and offering a unique platform to project EU-related businesses.
The EU Delegation to Indonesia and EU Delegation to ASEAN are therefore publishing this call for sponsor companies and organisations.
Interested companies and organisations should express their interest for one of the three sponsoring packages below (point 1) by submitting the attached sponsorship application form by 14 February 2025 COB to: Mr Michael Procházka, Head of Administration at the EU Delegation (email address: [email protected]; tel: +62 21 2554 6200).
The EU Delegation will review the applications in line with the eligibility and selection criteria listed under point 2 below, and contact the selected companies/organisations by 14 March 2025 in order to sign a Corporate Sponsorship Agreement.
Sponsoring packages
Sponsors are invited to contribute through the provision of catering and event services for invited guests with a contribution of IDR 100,000,000 (Platinum Sponsor), IDR 50,000,000 (Gold Sponsor) or IDR 35,000,000 (Silver Sponsor). The sponsorship will be contributed through direct contracting and payment to the event’s suppliers. Financial contributions to the EU Delegation and Mission are not allowed under the EU Financial Regulation.
The sponsors will be provided with exposure and visibility in the following ways:
1.1 Platinum sponsor package (value of IDR 100 million)
This package includes:
- 2 seats at the VVIP area (Ambassadors/Ministers)
- Prominent logo placement in the official invitation under the heading 'in Partnership with'
- Logo featured prominently in the on-screen projections in the reception area
- Opportunity to showcase the sponsor’s products/services and any promotional material with an individual stand in the foyer/entrance area of the ballroom
- Display of two standing banners at the entrance of the event and two standing banners in the ballroom area
- Twenty individual entrance tickets for the sponsor’s guests
- Recognition at the opening remarks of the EU Ambassadors
- Access to event photos
1.2 Gold sponsor package (value of IDR 50 million)
This package includes:
- Prominent logo placement in the official invitation under the heading 'in Association with'
- Logo featured prominently in the on-screen projections in the reception area
- Opportunity to showcase the sponsor’s products/services and any promotional material with an individual stand in the foyer/entrance area of the ballroom
- Display of two standing banners at the entrance of the event and two standing banners in the ballroom area
- Ten individual entrance tickets for the sponsor’s guests
- Recognition at the opening remarks of the EU Ambassadors
- Access to event photos
1.3 Silver sponsor package (value of IDR 35 million)
This package includes:
- Logo placement in the official invitation under the heading 'with the support of'
- Logo featured in the on-screen projections in the reception area
- Display of two standing banners at the event in the foyer/entrance area of the ballroom
- Display of promotional material (flyers and brochure) at one own individual stand in the foyer/entrance area of the ballroom
- Five individual entrance tickets for the sponsor’s guests
- Recognition at the opening remarks of the EU Ambassadors
- Access to event photos
Eligibility and selection criteria
- The Sponsor can be a public or private organisation or company.
- The Sponsor’s nature and activities may not entail a possible conflict with the mission and objectives of the European Union, including at policy level in areas such as foreign policy, social, health and environment.
All sponsors are informed that:
- The EU’s European External Action Service (EEAS) registers all sponsorships above EUR 1,000 as well as registers and publishes all sponsorships above EUR 5,000 on the relevant EU Delegation’s web-sites and on the official website of the EEAS.
- The EEAS processes personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC. In case personal data needs to be transmitted to any sponsors, as recipient, the organisation is required to ensure the same level of data protection guaranteed by the EU data protection framework, and in particular Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.
- Sponsors will not be consulted on the substance of the event.
- Companies with same/similar background and product range may join the sponsorship scheme. Exclusive sponsorships are available for Platinum sponsors upon request.
To download a PDF version of this Europe Day 2025 Sponsorship Scheme, click HERE
To download the Europe Day 2025 Sponsorship Application Form, click HERE
To view some photo impressions from Europe Day 2024, click HERE