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Global Gateway is the European strategy to boost smart, clean and secure connections in digital, energy and transport sectors, and to strengthen health, education and research systems across the world. Through a 'Team Europe approach', Global Gateway brings together the EU, its Member States and their financial and development institutions to mobilise the private sector to leverage investments promoting sustainable growth.

Between 2021 and 2027, Team Europe is mobilising up to EUR 300 billion of investments for sustainable, transformational and high-quality projects, taking into account the needs of partner countries and ensuring lasting benefits for local communities.

This allows EU’s partners to create resilient and sustainable societies and economies, but also create opportunities for the EU Member States’ private sector to invest and remain competitive, whilst ensuring the highest environmental and labour standards, as well as sound financial management.

More information on Global Gateway


In Ghana, the Global Gateway pipeline is growing progressively:

Vaccines / MAV +

  • The EU is supporting Ghana’s ambition to become a vaccine-manufacturing hub.
  • MAV+ is a 2023 Flagship project under the EU’s Global Gateway policy, funded by Team Europe.
  • The EU and Germany are reinforcing regulatory aspects of vaccine manufacturing by upgrading and strengthening the Ghana Food and Drugs Authority (EUR 3 million) to become one of the highest ranked by WHO standards.
  • The EU is associated with vaccine manufacturing in Ghana through a EUR 5 million investment grant between the European Investment Bank and DEK Vaccines Limited, which kick-started the construction of the DEK plant located at Medie in the Greater Accra region.  
  • Through the Special Measure on MAV+, Ghana has been allocated  additional EUR 32 million.
  • The Special Measure on MAV+ is part of the Global Gateway investment package for Africa. Global Gateway in Ghana strengthens health systems through investments in local vaccine and medicines manufacturing, infrastructural and skills development.
  • The Action will support the enabling environment for pharmaceutical products and health technologies in Ghana, notably, research and development, regulatory strengthening, skills development and support to private sector through technology transfers, intellectual property management and trade.

Energy / Kaleo I and II

  • The Kaleo Solar Power Plant (I and II)  is a 2024 Flagship project under the EU’s Global Gateway policy, funded by a German concessional loan to the Government of Ghana.
  • Kaleo I and II  will help to improve Ghana’s energy security, and diversify its energy supply.
  • This EUR 45 million project will generate 55 GWh annually, providing electricity for approx. 50.000 households.
  • The energy is generated in a cost-effective and environmentally friendly manner.  Kaleo II will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30.000 t of CO2 per year.
  • With funding from Germany, and a contractor from Spain, Kaleo II is the latest illustration of Team Europe in action.


Kpong Hydropower Dam Rehabilitation

  • The rehabilitation works, representing a EUR 62 million investment, of the 160 MW Kpong hydroelectric dam is to ensure the availability of green electricity in Ghana and the safety of the dam and of the population surrounding the dam.
  • The flagship is expected to contribute to ensuring the dam’s resilience, safety and security, and the protection of population who could be impacted particularly by flooding events affecting the dam.
  • It will also ensure the security of energy supply for the local population, thereby contributing to the stability and efficiency of the energy grid and enabling further investment in the energy sector of Ghana.


670 km of feeder roads

  • The EUR 35 million-feeder roads project is provided through the EU Global Gateway initiative, and bolstering inter-connectivity and transport networks in the North West of Ghana.
  • The roads provide vital links between areas of agricultural production and market centres, reducing by half the traveling time and enhancing the income of farmers.
  • This project falls under the sizeable (EUR 132 million) European Union - Ghana Agricultural Programme (EU-GAP) aimed at developing sustainable agriculture in the Upper West Region.
  • The integrated EU-GAP approach combines technical assistance with infrastructure such as roads, irrigation and improved healthcare facilities equipped with solar-powered water systems.

 More information on the EU partnerships with Ghana