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Women, Coffee and Climate: Women’s empowerment for socio-ecological resilience of coffee value chain against climate change in Ethiopia.



Ethiopia is the birthplace of Arabica coffee, and coffee plays a critical role in the country's economy and culture. Women are heavily involved in the coffee value chain, particularly in labour-intensive activities such as planting, weeding, harvesting, and processing. However, they often have limited access to land ownership, decision-making roles, and financial benefits. Empowering women in the coffee sector can enhance productivity, quality, and income distribution.

Coffee production in Ethiopia is highly sensitive to climate change. These impacts disproportionately affect women, who often lack resources and adaptive capacities to respond to climate challenges. Gender-sensitive approaches to climate resilience, such as providing women access to education, resources, and decision-making platforms, can strengthen both coffee sustainability and community resilience.

The Women, Coffee, and Climate Project is implemented around Yayu Coffee Forest Biosphere Reserve in southwest Ethiopia, through a contribution agreement between the Spanish Cooperation (AECID) and the EU Delegation to Ethiopia. AECID is implementing the project with various implementing partners involving government and NGOs. The project also benefits from south-south experience exchange by bringing on board two coffee companies; Technicafe of Colombia and Conicafe of Honduras. The whole purpose of the project is to create gender-sensitive and climate-resilient coffee value chain that empowers and benefits women.     


The main objective is to enhance gender equality and sustainability of Ethiopian coffee value chain through eco-efficiency, social innovation, and south – south cooperation.

Project Activities:

  • Conduct interdisciplinary research on the role and contributions of women in coffee landscape
  • Establish and operationalize Community of Practice (CoP) by organizing monthly webinars
  • Develop guidelines and methodological approaches to enhance the capacity of women coffee farmers;
  • Provide training on different themes (such as business skills, coffee agronomy, post-harvest training)
  • Support Gender and Climate Fora
  • Support government “Gender strategic Plan” implementation
  • Rapid analysis on EU’s market incentives for sustainable and
  • inclusive coffee value chain
  • Exchange experiences Ethiopia, Colombia, Honduras (south–south)

Results Achieved:

  • 1 Community of Practice on Women, Coffee and Climate established and active with 1 webinar per month, agreed logo, and webpage.
  • 13 knowledge products from Ethiolating Coffee CoP webinars produced.
  • 5 research findings concluded.    
  • 13 Ethiolatin Coffee CoP webinars held, on 1 webinar /month basis.    
  • 3 issue briefs and 1 policy brief based on the research conducted by partners.
  • 1 Strategy document for enhancing knowledge and utilization of mycological resources is developed.
  • 5 exchange of experience programmes performed: Colombia, Ethiopia, Honduras, Ethiopia and Denmark.
  • 13 Communication materials related to General information about the project produced.    











Yayu Eco-region, Illubabor zone
Agriculture & Food Security
AECID, Ethiopian Forest Coffee Forum, Ethiopian Forest Development, Ethiopian Institute for Agricultural Research; Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority; Ethiopian Women in Coffee, International Coffee Partners, Conacafe (Honduras) and Technicafe (Colombia)
EUR 1,000,000