Restoration of Livestock Services in Conflict and Drought Affected Areas of Ethiopia (RESTORE)
Ethiopia’s large livestock population offers great potential for economic growth, poverty reduction, and food security. However, realizing this potential requires addressing productivity issues, improving animal health services, enhancing market access, and building resilience to climate change. The recent conflict and drought in the country have had a devastating impact on the productivity of agricultural and livestock activities, with significant loss of assets due to destruction and looting, and/or because of drought. The Restoration of Livestock Services in Conflict and Drought Affected Areas of Ethiopia (RESTORE) aims to stabilize livestock assets and rebuild essential livestock service delivery systems, including veterinary clinics, laboratories, breed improvement facilities, and abattoirs. These services are critical for ensuring long-term sustainability in Ethiopia’s conflict and drought affected regions. RESTORE builds on and expands existing programs that enhance food security for smallholder farmers and pastoralists, focusing on female-headed households. Recognizing the complex nature of the challenges, the initiative prioritizes securing resilience, particularly advancing the transition to environmentally and socially sustainable food systems. Objectives:The overall objective of RESTORE is to contribute to enhancing food security, nutrition, and livelihood resilience for rural communities across the country, with a special emphasis on areas affected by conflict and drought. The specific objective is the restoration of lost livestock assets and livestock service delivery systems destroyed in the conflict and drought-affected parts of the country as well as to increase overall sector productivity and improve the marketing of livestock products. Project Activities:
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