Promoting Ethiopian trade and economic integration through private-led value chain development
The main objective of the project ‘Promoting Ethiopian trade and economic integration through private-led value chains development’ is to deepen Ethiopia's trade integration through effective implementation and monitoring of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), with a focus on private sector-led value chains.
Its ambition is to promote regional economic integration, boost trade, inclusive and sustainable growth, create decent jobs, and drive local innovation, as well as economic, social, and environmental developments while positioning Ethiopia’s key economic sectors and stakeholders for AfCFTA success through exploiting comparative advantages.
The project aims to foster active private sector engagement in the implementation of the AfCFTA in Ethiopia, increasing the cohesiveness of the regional value chains and the prosperity of African nations. Moreover, it supports relevant Ethiopian authorities and stakeholders in their efforts to adapt to the AfCFTA clauses, raising awareness of their benefits and impacts across the Ethiopian business ecosystem. To achieve an in-depth adaptation to this new reality, there will also be engagement with academic and research institutions, to pave the way for a more prepared assimilation of the agreement’s implications for Ethiopia as a whole.
Project Activities:
- Training programs, hands-on workshops (LBD), and advisory services for SMEs and women-led businesses
- Sponsoring and organizing trade missions and business delegations to other African countries to identify and seize market opportunities under the AfCFTA
- Develop an online platform dedicated to women-led SMEs to market their products continentally
- Establish information centers on the AfCFTA within private sector associations
- Develop export strategies for the public and private sector, tailored to the African market
- Provide technical support to Ethiopian business associations
- Reduce non-tariff barriers (NTBs) such as bureaucracy and customs challenges
- Identify and promote Ethiopian subsectors/products with a competitive advantage in African markets
- Harmonize national laws and support the AfCFTA protocol implementation
- Design postgraduate training programs on trade policies
- Establish a think tank composed of trade experts and academics to guide research and trade policies in Ethiopia and others.
Expected Results:
- Workshops and other activities will contribute to increasing the familiarity of the AfCFTA and the opportunities to reap the benefits of this agreement amongst public sector representatives and private sector stakeholders, with a particular focus on women-led businesses.
- An added value of this action is that it will lay the foundations for new study and research methodologies and formats in Ethiopia revolving around trade and regional integration matters.