Food insecurity in Ethiopia is driven by multi-layered factors including conflicts, natural disasters and socio-economic factors. The country is currently facing a serious food crisis with disruption of farming activities in the north and west due to the conflict in Northern Ethiopia, and a prolonged and historical drought (after three consecutive failed rainy seasons) affecting people in south and eastern pastoral and agro-pastoral areas. Over 20 million people are currently classified as food insecure (IPC level 3 and above 2), a situation, which is likely to further deteriorate due to the current drought and persistently high inflation, among other factors.
The proposed action addresses two major aspects of food insecurity in Ethiopia: the low availability of nutritious food and the low food accessibility by the rural poor.
The main beneficiaries of this action will be the most vulnerable populations (285,000 beneficiaries in target rural areas), in particular those affected by drought and conflict (including people with disabilities and displaced populations) in rural areas of Ethiopia. Other beneficiaries will be the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), Irrigation Water Users Associations (IWUAs), and regional implementing agencies for technical assistance.
The present action will contribute to PACT Programme’s goal “to contribute to poverty reduction and improved resilience of the target rural households in selected landscapes/woredas”, and development objective “to enable vulnerable rural households (men, women, youth and PWDs) in selected kebeles to sustainably improve incomes, food and nutrition security and build resilience to climate shocks”. This action will be implemented over a three and half years period, and the PACT Programme through which this action will co-finance climate resilient infrastructure will be implemented over a seven-year period.
More specifically, the project seeks to:
- Enhance thesustainable, inclusive and equitable income of small farmers, pastoralists, agro-pastoralists and vulnerable families.
- Improve sustainable management of water resources and market-related infrastructures in local communities suffering from nutritious food gaps (with a particular focus on women and the under-5 children).
Project Activities:
Water development for households, crops and livestock use:
- Development of an estimated climate resilient 5,470 ha irrigation schemes, and the development of 76 multiple purpose water systems for livestock and household use i.e development of improved farmer led small-scale irrigation systems, development of Multiple-Use Water Systems (MUS) and rehabilitation of existing water infrastructure
Local Market-Related Infrastructure:
- Addressing market infrastructure-related constraints faced by cooperatives, farmers, pastoralists and other relevant actors operating within the targeted value chains, with the focus at either storage, transportation, and marketing levels
- Communities and business actors will identify climate-resilient and accessible infrastructure investments during the Landscape Development and Investment Plan (LDIP) and the value chain assessments
Expected Results:
- Strengthened capacities of smallholders, institutional bodies and farmers' associations with regard to productivity, diversity and market value addition in the project areas.
- Climate resilient small-scale irrigation networks, local multi-purpose water systems and agriculture market facilities implemented in project targeted areas.