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1513th Meeting of the Committee of Ministers (27 November 2024) - EU Statement on the Secretary General's 30th consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia


I have the honour to speak on behalf of the European Union and its Member States.


The European Union welcomes the Secretary General’s thirtieth consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia and reiterates its support to the Reykjavík Summit Declaration, which calls on the Russian Federation to comply with its international obligations and to withdraw its forces from Georgia. The EU fully supports a fundamental objective of the member states of the Council of Europe to uphold the territorial integrity of Georgia within its internationally recognized borders.

In this context, the EU also recalls the relevant judgements of the European Court of Human Rights that conclude that after 12 August 2008 as well as during and before the August 2008 war, the Russian Federation, exercising effective control over Georgia’s regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, violated and continues to violate numerous provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights. The EU also recalls the judgements on the responsibility of the Russian Federation for civilians killed and for the unlawful detention of Georgian citizens in the Abkhazia region and the denial of their right to a fair trial. The EU also takes into account the most recent ECHR judgement of 9 April 2024, which unanimously confirmed multiple violations of the European Convention on Human Rights caused by the so-called “borderization” by the Russian Federation.

The EU calls upon the Russian Federation to fully comply with the judgements of the ECHR, including through an adequate and effective investigation into the crimes committed during and after the active phase of hostilities, as well as during the period of occupation and hold all those responsible for human rights violations accountable. Russian Federation must pay all a just satisfaction in respect of damage suffered by the victims. Everybody responsible must be brought to justice. In this context, we also note the arrest warrants issued by the International Criminal Court in relation to individuals believed to hold responsibility for war crimes during the August 2008 war.

The EU condemns the Russian Federation’s illegal military presence in the Georgian regions, recognition of these regions as independent, military exercises, and ongoing "borderization" conducted there. The EU expresses concern about Russia’s reported steps towards establishing a permanent naval base in Georgia’s region of Abkhazia. The EU condemns the process of incorporating Georgia’s occupied breakaway regions into Russia’s political, military, economic, judicial, social and other spheres. The EU expresses concern over hampering activities of international organisations operating on the ground and restricting the confidence-building efforts.

The EU deplores the dire human rights and security situation in the Georgian regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. We call for the full reopening of all “Administrative Boundary Lines crossing points” and the release of all those illegally detained. Access to the Georgian regions should be provided to all human rights and humanitarian organizations.

The EU remains deeply concerned about the impunity surrounding grave human rights violations in both Georgian regions. The EU reiterates its call upon the Russian Federation not to impede proper investigation and for justice to be served in relation to the killings and tragic deaths of Georgian nationals, including, those of Tamaz Ginturi, Temur Karbaia.

The EU deeply regrets that no progress could be reported regarding voluntary, safe, dignified and unhindered return of internally displaced persons and refugees based on internationally recognised principles.

The EU praizes the work of the ICRC and calls upon all actors involved to redouble their efforts to help advance the clarification of the fate and whereabouts of missing persons.   

The EU remains highly committed to supporting stabilisation and conflict resolution in Georgia, including through the work of the EU Special Representative and the EU Monitoring Mission (EUMM). The EU supports Council of Europe Confidence-Building Measures and encourages their continuation. The EU encourages the relevant Council of Europe bodies to continue their active engagement, including through the relevant Council of Europe Action Plan.

The EU, as a Co-Chair, remains committed to active involvement in the Geneva International Discussions (GID) and calls on all GID participants to engage in constructive exchanges and to overcome their differences and ensure the peaceful settlement of issues relating to the security and humanitarian situation on the ground.

The EU regrets that the Council of Europe authorized bodies have not been granted access to Georgian regions and calls on the Russian Federation as the state exercising effective control to facilitate their access to these regions.

In conclusion, we reiterate our unwavering support for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia within its internationally recognized borders and demand that Russian Federation fulfils its obligations under the Six-Point Agreement of 12 August 2008 and its subsequent implementing measures of 8 September 2008.


The following countries align with this statement: Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Republic of Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, San Marino, Ukraine, United Kingdom.