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Ex-ante publicity: Framework contract for Social Media Management and Monitoring



Ex-ante publicity: Framework contract for Social Media Management and Monitoring

Budget range: EUR 20.000 -  EUR 100.000

Description: The contractor should be able to provide a platform services/dashboard to enable the EU Delegation to perform the planning, editing, publishing the social media post and developing social media report.

Duration: 12 months (renewable contracts)

Natural and legal persons interested in participating in the tenders are invited to send their application by e-mail to the following address:

By e-mail: [email protected]

Subject:  Social Media Management and Monitoring

The application must contain the following information for being accepted in the Candidates' list:

Identification of the candidate, indicating name, business address (full address of registration of the firm, if applicable), contact person, telephone and e-mail.

Deadline to express your interest (inscription): 


Sending of invitation to tender (Indicative time): 


Contact e-mail: 

[email protected]