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EU Delegation to China and Shaanxi Gender Development Solutions grant honorary certifications of excellence to grass-root social organizations in Shaanxi province

Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China
Press and information team of the Delegation to CHINA


On 14 and 15 November, the Delegation of the European Union to China, represented by Delphine Aupicon, Programme Manager at the Cooperation Section, opened in Xi’an the conference on the “Project Summary and Gender Equality Experience Sharing”. The conference was organized by Shaanxi Gender Development Solutions in the framework of an EU-funded project that supports non-governmental organizations to advance women’s decision-making through healthy start in life in Shaanxi. The EU Delegation to China and Shaanxi Gender Development Solutions granted honorary certifications of excellence to six local organisations, who partnered with the project through financially supported micro-initiatives.

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The event marked the conclusion of a series of activities that took place in Shaanxi province in the past 3,5 years aiming to enhance contribution of civil society organisations for advancing women’s participation in decision-making processes, namely through increased capacity, multi-stakeholder partnerships and policy dialogue. The project particularly focused on promoting maternal and paternal involvement in reproduction and parenting, in direct contact with families in need, local partners, health social workers and grassroots social organisations. The event gathered stakeholders of the project, as well as high-level experts to discuss on relevant topics such as nutrition and health development, gender-friendly early childhood parenting, gender mainstreaming and male participation in gender equality in China.

Delphine Aupicon stressed the importance of gender-oriented approaches: “As the world is preparing to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action next year, even more than before, women should be at the centre of our actions.” She encouraged participants to share their insights on the project and wished that “the benefits will persist beyond this project, lead to relevant policy reforms and inspire other cities and provinces”.

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