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United Nations Human Rights Fora: Council approves EU priorities for 2025

The Council today approved conclusions on the priorities of the European Union in United Nations Human Rights fora in 2025.

The message from the conclusions is clear: the EU is committed to the universal respect of human rights for everyone, everywhere.

For laws and norms to be stronger than conflict, everyone must commit to multilateralism and the international order, based on the United Nations. In this endeavour the EU will continue to cooperate with all regions of the world, and enhance cooperation with like-minded countries.

The EU will continue to strongly respect, protect and promote human rights as a priority of its external action, using every opportunity in international fora to this end. The EU pays special attention to ensuring accountability, and fully supporting the International Criminal Court. It will also focus on the equality agenda, scaling up efforts towards gender equality.

The EU will continue its work to end and prevent further human rights violations around the world. Our priorities include the Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and the situation in the Middle East, especially Gaza. The EU will also speak up on all serious human rights situations, and take up a number of initiatives in international fora.

Council conclusions on EU priorities at UN human rights fora are approved on a yearly basis.

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