Call for Corporate Sponsors for Europe Day 2024 Phnom Penh
The EU Delegation to the Kingdom of Cambodia will organize its annual reception for Europe Day on Thursday, May 9, 2024, starting at 6:00 p.m., in the Delegation premises in Phnom Penh.
Europe Day is an annual celebration of peace and unity in Europe. The date marks the 74th anniversary of the historic "Schuman declaration". 74 years ago, in a speech in Paris in 1950, Robert Schuman, French foreign minister at the time, presented his ground-breaking idea on a European Cooperation that would lead to the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community less than a year later. His vision set in place the cornerstone of the European Integration, making the Schuman Plan the beginning of what is today the European Union.
More than 300 personalities from government and state institutions, companies, civil society, as well as embassies and diplomatic missions, will be invited for the 2024 celebration of the Europe Day and its fruitful relations with Cambodia, counting already more than 26 years.
Europe Day is an excellent opportunity for companies/organizations to promote their image, brands/activities through corporate sponsorship-collaboration with the EU Delegation to the Kingdom of Cambodia.
For this reason, the EU Delegation publishes this call for sponsoring companies and organizations. Interested companies and organizations must express their interest in one packages below (point 1) by April 12, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. m. to Mrs Stefania Pantazi, Head of Administration at the EU Delegation (e-mail: [email protected])
The EU Delegation will review the applications according to the eligibility and selection criteria listed in point 2 below and will contact the selected companies/organizations by April 19, 2024 to sign a Corporate Sponsorship Agreement.
- Sponsorship packages
Sponsors are invited to contribute "in kind", i.e. through beverage provisions for guests of the event with "Superior Package" or "Executive Package", valued at US$ 1,000 and US$ 500 respectively. Sponsorship will be provided through direct contracting and payment to event suppliers.
Other forms of contributions in kind may be accepted if they are appropriate for the event, such as sound and light equipment, installations and provisions, coverage installation etc. The value of such packages must be equivalent to the amounts of the "superior" and "executive" packages described below. The exposure and visibility will be proportional to the value of the contribution in kind.
Financial contributions to the EU Delegation are not permitted under the EU Financial Regulation.
A sponsor may apply for more than one package.
Sponsors will have exposure and visibility in the following ways:
- Superior package (for a value of USD 1,000). This package includes:
· Prominent placement of the logo on the official invitation under the heading 'in association with'. To do this, the logo must be sent in vector and JPG format to the EU Delegation as soon as the sponsor has signed the corporate sponsorship agreement.
· Logo prominently displayed on screen projections in the reception area.
· Opportunity to showcase the sponsor's products/services with a double individual booth in the lobby/reception entrance area.
· Display of two standing banners at the event entrance and two standing banners in the reception area
· Ten entry invitations for the sponsor's guests.
· Recognition in the opening words of the EU Ambassador.
- Executive package (for a value of USD 500). This package includes:
· Placement of the logo on the official invitation under the title 'with the support of'. To do this, the logo must be sent in vector and JPG format to the EU Delegation as soon as the sponsor has signed the corporate sponsorship agreement.
· Logo prominently displayed on screen projections in the reception area.
· Display of two standing banners at the event.
· Display of promotional material (flyers and brochures) in its own individual stand in the foyer/entrance area of the reception.
· Five entry invitations for the sponsor's guests.
· Recognition in the opening words of the EU Ambassador.
- Eligibility and selection criteria
· The sponsor can be a public or private organization or company.
· The nature and activities of the sponsor may not entail a potential conflict with the mission and objectives of the European Union, including at political level in areas such as foreign, social, health and environmental policy.
· The sponsors must not have religious or political connotation
· The sponsors of a company which provides goods and services legally authorised by the EU regulations but not compatible with European social/health/environmental policies, cannot be accepted.
· The sponsor must not be in the situation provided for in articles 136.1 and 141.1 of Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 18 July 2018, on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union[1].
- Sponsors are informed that:
· The EU European External Action Service (EEAS) registers all sponsorships over EUR 1,000, as well as registers and publishes all sponsorships over EUR 5,000 on the websites of the relevant EU Delegations and on the website EEAS official.
· the EEAS processes personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by institutions and bodies of the Union, offices and agencies and on the free circulation of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC[2]. In the event that it is necessary to transmit personal data to any sponsor, as a recipient, the organization must ensure the same level of data protection guaranteed by the EU data protection framework and, in particular, Regulation (EU) 2018/ 1725.
· Sponsors will not be allowed to active marketing of their product/services nor be authorized to have sales personnel present for promotional activities during the event.
· Sponsors will not have a say over the content of the event.
- Review and selection:
The European Union Delegation to the Kingdom of Cambodia will review the applications and will determine the organizations/companies that best align with the core objective of the event to be sponsored. Selection criteria include the sponsorship appeal in terms of goods or services provided and coherence between the sponsored Europe Day event and promotion of the sponsor.
The European Union Delegation to the Kingdom of Cambodia. reserves the right not to accept proposals which, because of the nature of the sponsorship or of the sponsor's activities, are deemed incompatible with the institutional role of the European Union. The European Union Delegation to the Kingdom of Cambodia also reserves the right to refuse any sponsorship not deemed consistent with the purpose of the May 9th event.
[1] Article 136 Exclusion criteria and decisions on exclusion and Article 141 Rejections from Award procedure