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Video message by HoD/EUSR in BiH Luigi Soreca on Livanjski sir

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  • Across the world, Europe is known for the high quality of its food.
  • As of today, Livanjski sir joins products such as champagne, parmesan and jamon iberico in receiving trademark protection from the European Union.
  • Congratulations to Bosnia and Herzegovina!
  • Livanjski sir’s flavour comes from the combination of Mediterranean and continental climates, pastures in the mountains and karst fields, as well as its traditional production techniques.
  • It is unique. And now, it is legally protected with an EU Protected Geographical Indication that guarantees quality.
  • This also opens up new markets.
  • The EU protects and promotes Europe’s cultural and gastronomic heritage!
  • Livanjski sir is the first food product in the Western Balkans to receive EU protection.
  • Our hope is there will be more.
  • And we stand ready to advise Bosnia and Herzegovina’s outstanding food and drink producers how they can apply for and benefit from the EU’s geographical indication and quality schemes.
  • With the holidays approaching, I am looking forward to serving Livanjski sir and other products from Bosnia and Herzegovina to friends and family.