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Q&A: Call for Expression of Interest, Artistic Production & Performance – Europe Week 2025 "A Space to Create"

This publication contains a compilation of questions and answers related to the Call for Expressions of Interest for Artistic Production and Performance as part of the Europe Week 2025 programme, A Space to Create. The questions were submitted via email to [email protected] between 3-17 February 2025.






1. Applicant Eligibility


Can an artist who is both a classical musician and an actor apply as an interdisciplinary performing artist to present a short film that combines classical music performance and acting as part of the exhibition?

Artists are encouraged to submit proposals they deem aligned with the call. However, please note that at this stage, the organizing team cannot provide feedback or guidance on the content of submissions. Please refer to our Call for Expression of Interest, "Supported Performances" section for more information.


Are citizens of Kosovo eligible to apply for the European Week 2025 programme, "A Space to Create"?

Should all the invited artists for the visual art exhibition be Albanian, or can they be international?

While this call is primarily intended for artists and cultural practitioners’ resident in Albania, individuals of foreign nationalities are not excluded from applying. However, each application will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine its alignment with the call's Scope.


Are painters eligible to apply for this programme?

Yes, painters are eligible to apply in this call.


Is it possible to include an Austrian citizen in the artistic team for our project, given the nature of our concept, and would this align with the programme's eligibility criteria?

The inclusion of a foreign citizen in the artistic team is not excluded. However, all applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis to ensure they align with the scope of the call.


Should we apply as an association (NGO/OJF) or as individuals for this call?

It is not possible to contract an NGO under this call. Therefore, individuals or groups of individuals are invited to apply, having in mind that for groups, separate contract will be concluded with each individual from the group, in case of award.


Can an NGO participate in this call?

No, NGOs are not eligible for selection. Applicants should apply as individuals or groups of individuals for this call.


Can a Physical Person (company) participate in this call?

Yes, Physical Person is eligible for this call.


As a filmmaker, am I eligible to apply for the Europe Week 2025 programme?

Yes, filmmakers are eligible to apply for the Europe Week 2025 programme.


Can an artist apply for a work that is an installation and performance without being part of a group of artists?

Individual artists are not excluded from the selection process. At this stage, the organizing team cannot provide feedback or guidance on the content of submissions, including team compositions.


Can the proposed project include only foreign artists, or is it necessary to involve Albanian artists as well?

Foreign artists are not excluded; however, the call primarily focuses on Albanian artists and the local cultural scene.


Are individuals who are not Albanian nationals but reside in Albania with a residence permit eligible to apply?

Yes, foreign nationals with a residence permit are eligible to apply.


Does this call apply to artisans?

No, this call does not apply to artisans.


Can one person apply with more than one project?

Yes, an individual may submit more than one proposal. However, please note that this artist can’t be the lead applicant in all the proposals, but they can be lead applicant in 1 proposal and be a secondary artist in another one. However, please note that only one proposal per lead applicant may be selected for participation in the Europe Week 2025 programme.


If an individual is the (main) artist and applicant in one call and a collaborator or member of a larger team in another, would both applications be eligible for consideration or would both be disqualified?

Both applications would be eligible for consideration.


Does the concert activity during Europe Week only involve Albanian artists, or can there also be foreign guests from Europe?

While this call is primarily intended for artists and cultural practitioners resident in Albania, the inclusion of foreign guests is not excluded.  However, all applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis to ensure they align with the scope of the call.


2. Application Process


How many artworks may an artist submit for a visual or conceptual art exhibition?

Europe Week organizers will not accept any physical application documents or artworks. Digitally, applicants are not required to submit photographs or recordings of their artworks; however, if they choose to do so, they must ensure that the total size of their application files does not exceed 20 MB.


Can artworks for a conceptual art exhibition be submitted and managed entirely by the organizing team without the artist’s presence?

The organizing team will not accept any artworks during the application process, nor will they manage or handle any artworks during the production phase.


How can an applicant access the application form if the provided link is not working? Can the form be sent directly via email?

Europe Week organizers confirm that the provided link works in all web browsers. No application forms will be sent by email.



In the application form, under Section 2, "Production Information," are the field "Cities/locations of events" and "Venues" required for conceptual art projects that have never been exhibited before?

All fields of the Application Form are required.


Should the application be submitted solely through the digital document, or does it need to be printed?

No printed applications will be accepted.


If the application is digital, how can the artist sign it?

Applicants are required to insert their digital signature (image) in the designated section of the application form.


How can an artist, such as a painter, apply for this programme?

Painters, like all artists, are encouraged to apply by following the guidelines outlined in the Call for Expression of Interest.


Are there any guidelines or examples available for detailing the activities, results, and deadlines in the application?

All relevant deadlines related to the Europe Week 2025 artistic production process are specified in the Call for Expression of Interest. No sample formats or examples are provided for detailing activities, results, and deadlines in the application.


What supporting documents are required aside the application form?

Required supporting documents are mentioned in the call for expression of interest.


The call requests the CV/portfolio of the main artist. Should CVs of other participants also be included?

The call requests CVs and portfolios of all involved artists.


Is there a preferred individual to serve as the contact person?

During the application process, the designated contact person will be regarded as the official applicant.

If the proposal is selected, the official applicant will be responsible for facilitating communication and coordination between the Europe Week organizers and the artistic team.


In the "3. Performance Activities" section of the application, should we provide a general timeline of our production and performance process, or is there a specific format or level of detail required?

While there are no specific formatting or detail requirements other than the template table provided in the application form, Performance Activities must be presented clearly to ensure the evaluation team gains a comprehensive understanding of the production's milestones and timeline. If a proposal is selected, this information will serve as a reference for the monitoring team.


3. Budget, Financial Rules, and Contracts


Can costs for materials such as paints and canvases be included? Should these purchases be accompanied by receipts dated after the application is approved, and should they be invoiced to the organizers if the project is selected, or are they considered a lump sum paid to the artist to cover expenses?

Production materials, including paints and canvases, are considered eligible budget items. All expenditures incurred during the implementation phase must be billed from the provider directly to the Europe Week organizers in accordance with the approved budget lines. The selected artist will not act as intermediary for the costs and therefore will not be reimbursed for any such costs. The organizers will not accept any invoices issued outside the contract period. No lump-sum payments will be provided to artists for independent expense coverage.



In the application form, under Section 3, "Budget," subsection C, should the artist calculate transportation costs from the current location of the artwork to the exhibition venue?

It is the responsibility of artists to calculate transportation costs for artworks.


Does the transportation budget category assume that the artwork will only be transported to a single exhibition venue, or should the artist account for multiple locations?

Please note that exhibitions are not required to take place in multiple locations. However, if an artist proposes a traveling exhibition, they must include all associated artwork transportation costs in their budget.



Is travel covered as part of the budget, and what expenses can be included in the budget for painters?

Travel costs and other expenses may be included as budget lines. However, each application will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine budget efficiency.


If travel expenses are covered, how many people can attend from the artist’s side?

This call does not determine number of attendees from the artist's side. However, each application will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine budget efficiency.


What happens if the provided budget exceeds the artist's actual needs?

Europe Week organizers will only process payments for completed expenditures and work that has been fully executed.


If we require equipment or other services for the project, should we cover the costs ourselves and then submit an invoice for reimbursement, or will Europe Week handle the payments directly to the suppliers upon receiving their invoice?

Europe Week organizers will handle payments directly to the suppliers upon receiving their invoice, in accordance with the approved budget lines. Applicants will not act as intermediary between the supplier and the Europe Week organizers for such costs. Therefore, applicants should not cover these costs themselves. Please note that equipment purchase is not eligible under this call. Further instructions on the payment process will be provided to selected participants.


Since the funds provided will be in Euros, must the contracts and bank accounts of the artists participating in the event also be in Euros?

While this is not a compulsory requirement, artists are recommended to have bank accounts in euros to avoid conversion costs. Bank accounts in LEK are also an option. Contracts for the artists participating in the event will be in euros, all payments will be processed in euros and Europe Week organizers will not cover any additional costs related to currency conversion in case the bank account provided is not in euros.


Could you clarify whether the total budget of 12,000 EUR applies to all three locations, including Tirana, or if it is allocated per city?

The total budget of a maximum of 12,000 EUR applies to a single proposal including all artistic production and events, as well as all performance locations and venues.


Most of the artists I plan to collaborate with are freelancers. Should each participating artist issue an individual invoice for their payment, or can a single invoice be submitted by an organizer who will then distribute payments to the artists?

Every individual artist will issue individual invoices to the Europe Week organizers for their payment.


Will the Europe Week organisers provide the contracts in advance so that a main artist can finalize them with other artists?

Each involved artist will have their own individual contract with Europe Week organisers. No contract templates will be handed in advance for finalization through intermediate contact persons.


4. Venues and Locations


Besides Tirana, which other cities will be part of the Europe Days programme?

Applicants are welcome to propose any city or place in Albania as part of their proposal.


As applicants, can we suggest three cities for the event, or is there a pre-determined plan of cities you will choose for the programme?

Applicants are welcome to suggest three cities for the event. There is no pre-determined plan for city selection;


Will the artists be responsible for renting the venues in the three locations, or will they be made available to us during Europe Week?

Applicants must propose and arrange venues, ensuring that rental costs are included in the application budget. Europe Week organizers will pay such costs directly to the venue and assist with booking the venue as needed.


Do I need to determine the location of the exhibition, or will it be decided by you?


Artists are required to propose locations for exhibitions. However, the final decision regarding the location will rest with the Europe Week organizers.


For venue rentals, the main artist insists that no budget lines are required except for Tirana. Are any supporting documents needed to confirm this?

While not required, in a case like this, it may be recommended to provide supporting documentation. Please note that Europe Week organizers will not provide additional budget during the project implementation nor allow for budget reallocations if venue costs are not planned in the budget.


My concept is better suited for open public spaces. Would it be possible to hold the performance in a public space to attract a broader audience?

Yes, where project content requires, outdoor spaces may also be considered, provided that environmental factors—such as weather, noise, and lighting—do not compromise the quality of the event. However, final venue confirmation is subject to the approval of the Europe Week organisers.


If state-owned venues are used, am I responsible for obtaining the necessary permits, or can your team assist in simplifying the process?

Artists are expected to be responsible for obtaining the necessary permits for performance in state-owned venues. When necessary, Europe Week organisers are committed to provide support to artists in securing their proposed venues.


When calculating expenses, should I budget for a rented closed venue, or is it possible to secure permission for a public space with no rental cost?

Applicants are responsible for including in their application all costs associated to their proposal such as venues, performance spaces or any other related. No additional funding will be provided during or after the production process, and budget reallocations will not be permitted.

While securing rent-free spaces is not mandatory, applicants who propose such venues are encouraged to provide evidence to support their claim.


Is it permitted to perform in private institutions supporting cultural exchange or in bars with suitable outdoor areas?

No, performances in privately owned commercial spaces, including bars and private institutions, are not permitted.


5. Concept and content of proposal


Can an artist apply for support regarding the notation and printing of materials for a musical composition that requires logistical costs and material production, such as computerized notation and printing of sheet music and orchestral parts?

Artists are encouraged to submit proposals they deem aligned with the call and list all costs associated to the proposed performance. However, please note that at this stage, the organizing team cannot provide feedback or guidance on the content of submissions.


What is the theme for the artworks, or is it open to the artist’s choice?

Please refer to our Call for Expression of Interest "A Space to Create".


Can the product of cultural heritage be part of the topic "Visual or conceptual art exhibition"?

At this stage, the organizing team cannot provide feedback or guidance on the content of submissions.


The call mentions visual arts, but would a feature film/documentary be a good fit for the event?

At this stage, the organizing team cannot provide feedback or guidance on the content of submissions.


Is there an intention to include a large number of participating artists, or will recital concerts typically involve just two people?

At this stage, the organizing team cannot provide feedback or guidance on the content of submissions, including team compositions.


Is there a required duration for each music piece?

There is no specified duration for music pieces.


Is there a preference for the type of music pieces, or can musicians decide independently?

The eligible music genres are specified in the call: classical, contemporary, and alternative.


We read that the repertoire must be closely tied to the EU. Could you specify what qualifies as EU-related repertoire, and whether our proposed concept would be eligible? Could you clarify the requirements for the concert repertoire?


The call for expression of interest highlights that artistic proposals should authentically reflect the aspirations of Albanian people for EU integration and their vision of what the EU stands for, celebrating the diverse perspectives and creative expressions that showcase Albanians as an integral part of Europe. Please note that at this stage, we cannot provide comments or specific recommendations regarding the repertoire for musical proposals. Each proposal will be evaluated individually, with the concept of the proposal being considered as part of the assessment.


6. Events and exhibitions


Is the presence of the artist required during the event for a conceptual art exhibition?

The presence of the artist is required during exhibition openings and related events.


Can a work be part of the European Week exhibition, or should a separate exhibition be proposed?

The Europe Week organizers have not indicated plans to organize a "European Week" exhibition. Applicants are required to propose their own exhibitions or other artistic events, in line with the scope of the call.


What is the final deadline for submitting paintings or drawings if the proposal is selected? Is it March 10, 2025?

Artworks shall not be submitted to the Europe Week organizers. Artists whose proposals are selected will be responsible for the production, handling, and exhibition of their completed artworks during Europe Week. The production of the artworks must adhere to the timeline specified in the Application Form.