Who we are
The Delegation of the European Union in Côte d'Ivoire is part of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and works closely with the diplomatic missions of the Member States. The EU defends the vision of a genuine partnership with Côte d'Ivoire, based in particular on subjects of common interest such as multilateralism, climate change, energy, peace and security, conflict resolution, democracy and good governance.
Our Mission
The Delegation of the European Union represents the EU in Côte d'Ivoire
Located in Abidjan, the delegation of the European Union has the status of diplomatic representation and fulfills a function similar to that of an embassy. The delegation of the European Union has the mandate:
- To represent the EU in Côte d’Ivoire.
- To ensure the coordination and monitoring of political, economic and development cooperation between the EU and the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire.
- To monitor EU policies in all sectors.
- To promote and defend the values and interests of the EU.
- To manage its cooperation programs.
- To analyse for the European institutions the political, economic and social situation of Côte d'Ivoire and to relay the expectations of the Ivorian government to the European authorities.
On the other hand, the delegation of the European Union is not in charge of consular issues, which remain managed by the Member States. It, therefore, does not deliver visas or passports.
The delegation does not grant aid to individuals or companies outside the calls for proposals that are regularly published.
Our Office
The Delegation in Côte d'Ivoire has about fifty agents, expatriates and Ivorians
Under the responsibility of the Ambassador, Head of Delegation, the EU Delegation to Côte d'Ivoire is organised as follows:
- A Policy, Press and Information Section composed of a Head of Section and Deputy Head of Delegation, Ms Martina BOROVAC PECAREVIC, and an Information and Communication Officer.
- A Trade and Investments section, led by Mr Mats LILJEFELT
- A Finance, Contracts and Audit section, led by Mr Pastor DIEZ
- An Administration section, led by Mr Frederic DIEU
In addition, there are two operational teams, which are in charge of the different areas of cooperation, supervised by a Head of Cooperation, Mr Marc BUCHMANN.
- Democratic and economic governance - Team leader: Ms Anne-Catherine CLAUDE
- Inclusive and sustainable growth - Team Leader: Ms Laura DESMOULIN